-Chapter 1-

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Chapter 1: Backstory- Taeyong

Lee Taeyong is a young adult at the age of 25 but he's no stranger to struggle. He grew up with an abusive step mother and an alcoholic father. He would have blackouts and wake up in random places, normal with bruises on his body. His parents never took him to see a doctor. Thanks to the help of a kid who called himself Bambam in high school, Taeyong didn't turn to suicide to get away from his parents. Instead, he ran away to the big city, Seoul, to live a new life.

For the first month, he shared an apartment with Bambam until he got himself a job. He blacked out less often but when he did, Bambam always looked concerned or maybe it was fear in his eyes. Taeyong was always such a graceful dancer. He wanted to make a career out of it but this is the closest he got. An exotic male dancer at some club.

Bambam had a friend who worked there so he set Taeyong up with a job. Bambam used to work there for extra cash but got kicked out for having an actual relationship with another stripper there named Yugyeom. His friend still works there though. His name is Wonho but the clients call him puppy. He is a real cutie at first but when he's on stage, it's a whole different story.

Taeyong's nickname was one his boss gave him. Bubu. It just kind of stuck with him. The clients always loved to shove money in his clothes and grope at his scrawiny figure. Taeyong always hated how their rough hands felt against his smooth skin but beside the clients, he enjoyed his job. He almost lost his job once due to a blackout on the stage. One of the clients ended up with a broken nose. Everyone but Taeyong knew what happened because the staff thought it was best to not tell him what happened. He'd have nightmares about it when he slept.

Taeyong even earned enough money to buy himself a small one room house just outside of the city but enough for him to walk to his job. He has watched many employees come and go. The only ones that have actually stayed so far are Wonho, Park Jimin, Johnny, Matthew, and a kid named Choi San. Taeyong and San are the two who only dance. Wonho and Jimin were usually the ones who did more personal dances. Matthew was a shirtless bartender and Johnny was the DJ.

Taeyong watched many good people leave like Hyunjin and Baekhyun. Those two became good friends with everyone but sometimes the clients got too rough or too touchy. Matthew had to stay home a few days because he punched a client for grabbing San's ass and leaving marks. Clients aren't supposed to touch dancers unless they are leaving cash, Taeyong lets it slip though because they don't touch him like that. Their boss didn't want to fire Matthew because he was good for business.

Taeyong liked his job because he felt like he had a place where he belonged, like a small family. Sometimes they would take each other out for dinner or do shopping sprees. If someone didn't have a place to stay, they would have each other's backs. It was so nice, until one day in the winter.

Winter was when they would start to get the real rough guys. They weren't just mean business men, no, they were worse. These guys were drug dealers, killers, or mob bosses. But last year, the club lost a lot of employees, and also lost clients. This left the club in low business meaning they were going to shut down. But they had a very rich client who liked them too much to let them go out of business. So their boss signed a contract with him, he would get 30% of the club's money. The only problem is that this client is the leader of the SCD, the Seoul City Dragons.

It is the biggest and most powerful mob in Seoul. Everybody knew them and everybody feared them. When the SCD came into the club, Taeyong would be too scared to make eye contact with them or dance close enough to their grasps. The thing is, when a business signs with a mob, you have to keep up your end of the deal. Another downside is if an employee that the mob liked leaves, there will be hell to raise. One time, an employee named Jungkook was secretly planning on leaving and moving to the USA with his brother, Namjoon. He returned to the club the next day with scabs and bruises. He did eventually leave though. No one knows if he went to see his brother in the states or not, no one has heard from him. Taeyong doesn't know who the boss of the mob is, rumor has it that he is always at the club watching them but he has never seen him.

chapter 1 here we go!! it's the way i've had this first chapter hidden in my drafts for almost 2 whole years. i'm thinking about trying to post a chapter everyday? if i remember too lol. i hope you all enjoy this kind of fucked up story i made <3

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