-Chapter 17-

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Chapter 17 the calm before the storm

A couple weeks have passed since that late night. Kun and Taeyong never brought it up again and acted as if nothing happened. Jaehyun returned from a 3 day "business" meeting late last night so he's been sleeping since.

Taeyong had spent those three days hanging out with Felix, Changbin, Jisung, and Chenle. They had watched movies and hung out at the zoo. One day, Taeyong had gotten Doyoung to step away from cooking so they all could make something together. Taeyong finally got to try Felix's famous brownies which were even more delicious than he imagined.

This morning, he was laying on a giant beanbag in the living room. His hood pulled tight around his face as he watched dancing videos on youtube. He was starting to get bored.

He checked the time and saw it was already 3 in the evening. He huffed as he got up from the beanbag. He stomped his way up the stairs towards the bedroom. He opened and closed the door behind him. He tiptoed his way to the bed and saw Jaehyun still sleeping.

He smirked and jumped on top of him, cuddling into his chest. Jaehyun groaned at the sudden weight. He wrapped his arms around Taeyong and wiggled around until he was more comfortable.

"Did you miss me baby?" Jaehyun's low voice asked.

"Ya, it's been awhile. And I'm bored," Taeyong pouted, nuzzling Jaehyun.

"We can do something in a few hours. How about we go out for dinner tonight?" Jaehyun asked, closing his eyes again.

"That would be nice," Taeyong smiled to himself.

"Let's sleep till then," Jaehyun said, already dozing off.


Jaehyun's eyes opened and he felt a lot better than when he returned. He took a deep breath, smelling Taeyong's natural scent. Jaehyun left small kisses on his head until his eyes fluttered open.

"Let's find something nice to wear out tonight," Jaehyun said as Taeyong rubbed his eyes.

"How formal are we dressing?" Taeyong asked, starting to sit up.

"Dress as fancy as you want," Jaehyun said, also sitting up.

Taeyong flicked the light to the closet and started to sift through clothes. Jaehyun watched what he picked out so their colors could match. They both changed into what they chose.

Jaehyun had chosen black dress pants, a white button up with black laced roses on it, a designer belt, a silver watch, and a black suit-style trench coat. He styled his hair so it was pushed back and parted to the side. He slid on black dress shoes.

Taeyong wore black fitted suit pants, a white turtleneck, his necklace had silver butterflies on it, and a long furry black coat over his shoulders. He applied light pink sparkles to his eyes and had his hair styled down and to the side. He finished zipping the side of his dress boots.

Jaehyun walked over to Taeyong and gave him a warm kiss on the lips. Taeyong kissed him back and really wanted to deepen it. But before he could, Jaehyun pulled away with a smirk.

"Shall we?" Jaehyun asked, holding his arm out.

Taeyong brushed it off and looped his arm around his. They walked down the stairs and saw Kun waiting at the door. They stopped and Jaehyun slipped him something. Taeyong found it a little confusing when Kun didn't follow them until he saw the driveway. A small white limo was idling on the gravel.

The man dressed in a suit bowed and opened the car door. Jaehyun let Taeyong climb in first before following. The suited man closed the door and walked around to the driver's side. He shifted it into gear and they were headed to the city.

Taeyong watched as the city lights reflected in the car windows. It was so pretty. It took them about 20 minutes to get to the restaurant. Its front walls were windows so pedestrians could peer inside the building.

It was decorated with dark browns and cream colors. Each dining booth had low hanging, round lights while tables for two were lit with lanterns. Even though it was fancy, the dimness felt inviting. When they entered, Taeyong saw that they had a few potted plants around the building.

As Jaehyun told the waiter his name, Taeyong could smell the aroma of meats and veggies. His mouth was watering as they were taken to a table. Jaehyun took Taeyongs coat and set it on his chair before taking off his own. The waiter waited until they were comfortable in their seats to talk.

He laid the menus in front of them and proceeded to ask about drinks. Taeyong settled for red wine and Jaehyun chose champagne. A minute later, he placed their glasses on the table and filled them until they said stop. He left to give them time to choose a meal.

"So many options, I'm not sure what sounds good," Taeyong mumbled while he fidgeted with his necklace.

"You can have whatever you want. We can do a course meal or just order as we go," Jaehyun replied as his eyes scanned the menu.

Finally the waiter came back. Jaehyun ordered a plate of spaghetti with a side of garlic breadsticks and Taeyong ordered a plate of chicken alfredo. Taeyong hummed at the wonderful smells of herbs when the waiter placed his meal in front of him.

They continued to eat, eventually getting desert. They ordered two slices of tiramisu and left a tip in the bill pouch when they finished. Jaehyun helped Taeyong put his coat on before they walked out to their car.

Their driver held the door and let them climb in. Once the door was shut, he walked to the driver's side and put the car in gear. Off they were, heading back home.

any khh or krnb fans here?? i'm asking cuz that's all i've been listening to all week lmao. it's like a comfort zone for me cuz i got into a lot of those artists when the pandemic started. also if i keep forgetting to post it's cuz finals is next week

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