-Chapter 20-

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Chapter 20

Taeyong and Jaehyun have been in and out of the business building for a week and a half now. Taeyong had grown accustomed to his office space that was right next to Jaehyun's on the top floor. All the other businessmen had offices on the floor but most of them preferred to work at home or at their offices near home.

Taeyong saw it as a headquarters thing since he and Jaehyun ran the business. He still didn't fully understand what they did. All he knows is that they work with imports and exports and even help manage or invest in other companies.

Last week, he and Jaehyun invested in the old strip club. They renovated it so it was nicer, bigger, and more up to date. Jaehyun allowed everyone to go back to working there. When Doyoung was working at the club, Felix was allowed to cook at the house. Every now and then, Jaehyun would let Taeyong dance on the stage.

Today was different than most days. Jaehyun had to travel a few cities over to meet with someone who wants to become a restaurant owner sponsored by their company. Which means Taeyong was a little lonely at the office.

He had to run through some paperwork for their past investments. Basically he had to clear out ones they cut ties with and set things up for their new investments. He was focused on reading and typing on his computer. Click clacking of keys filled the silence. A faint knock on his door scared him out of his trance.

"Come in," Taeyong answered, looking over his computer top at the door.

He immediately regretted acknowledging the knocker when he saw who it was.

"Good afternoon Mr. Lee," the son said.

"Afternoon Mr. Kim," Taeyong motioned to the seat and then folded his hands on the desk. "What can I help you with?" he asked with a fake smile.

"Just some paperwork questions. I wanted to ask about this club. Are we sure this investment won't corrupt our reputation?" Mr. Kim said with a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Why would it corrupt us?" Taeyong choked back his angry tone.

"Well what will happen if clients find out one of their investors is a stripper? It could be career-ruining?" he tried, and failed, to hide his smirk.

"I am perfectly fine with my career being ruined. Stripping isn't the worst of it anyways. It's Jaehyun who would have a problem with me not being here," Taeyong replied curtly, leaning back in his chair.

Mr. Kim was a little stunned by the passive aggressiveness. You could almost hear the gears in his head turning, trying to find something to say back. Instead, he stood up and walked around Taeyong's desk.

"But how would Jaehyun feel if his career was ruined through a little slut like you?" Mr. Kim asked, leaning down toward Taeyong. "Hm?" he hummed, pulling on Taeyong's tie

"What are you looking for through this? Are you wanting to run this business?" Taeyong asked, just staring back at him.

"No, that's too boring. I'm thinking of something a little more fun," he nudged his knee between Taeyong's legs.

Taeyong moved in a little closer to tease him. Mr. Kim moved back a little bit, taken aback by Taeyong's action. In return, Taeyong stood up, running his pointer finger up Kim's chest until he had it wrapped around his own tie. He pulled Kim in a little closer by it. Close enough he could feel his breath fanning over his lips.

Kim tilted his head a little, raked his eyes over Taeyong. He thought about all the things they could do in this office. He wanted so badly to destroy him. The moment he reached for Taeyong's waist, Taeyong yanked on his tie.

He pulled him down so hard, a loud thud echoed through the room when his head hit the desk. Taeyong pulled the tie around so he could pull on it from behind Kim. He made himself stand up and he tried to slam Taeyong into the wall behind them. Taeyong hoisted himself up a little bit so he could wrap his legs around Kim's waist.

"What do you think Jaehyun will say when he finds you dead in my office?" Taeyong asked, pressed against Kim's ear.

Kim gurgled, reaching around his neck to pull the tie loser. Taeyong tightened his grip on the tie, trying to leave no room for Kim to put his fingers between the tie and his neck. Taeyong wanted to laugh when he saw the fear in his eyes.

Once Taeyong felt Kim getting weaker, he dropped his feet to the ground. Kim's eyes rolled back and Taeyong let go of the tie. Kim fell to the ground, knocked unconscious. Taeyong pulled out his phone and took a selfie with Kim.

"Can I please have permission to kill this son of a bitch?" Taeyong texted the picture to Jaehyun.

"Just tie him up and I'll take care of him later. Are you ok though?" Jaehyun texted back.

"I'm fine. Might have a few bruises later but it'll be ok. I'll leave him in your office <3" Taeyong texted back with a smile.

He dragged Kim through the hallway and into Jaehyun's office. It wouldn't be much longer until Kim woke back up so he had to hurry. He couldn't find rope but he found a pair of handcuffs in Jaehyun's desk drawer. He sat Kim on a chair and handcuffed him.

He went to the other side of the room and poured some whiskey into two glasses. He left the room and went down the hall into Kim's office. He searched his desk until he found the little mint container he kept. When he came back, Kim's eyes were fluttering.

Taeyong opened the mint container and took the pill out of it. He dropped it into one of the glasses and swished it around. He turned around and saw Kim fully awake and struggling to get out.

"Don't even try. Care for a drink?" Taeyong swayed as he walked over to the chair.

Kim just stared at him. Taeyong put his drink down on Jaehyun's desk and kept the contaminated one in his hand. He straddled Kim's legs and forced him to open his mouth. He poured the drink in and held his mouth and nose shut until he swallowed.

"Get a taste of your own medicine for once. You're lucky I'm not allowed to kill. I'd put you through the same hell you put those young club goers through. Roofied and raped," Taeyong tisked and shook his head.

Kim looked at him with full fledged fear in his eyes.

"H-how did you know about that?" His voice was light and shaky.

"When you're someone like me, you hear things. And when I hear things, I watch. I watched what you did last Saturday. The whole thing. That's how I knew where to find these," Taeyong explained, shaking the minto container.

"It's not like that. It was consensual," He looked like he was going to cry.

"That's not what they told me. I talked to them the next day once the drugs were out of their systems. They were so upset. One of them even contemplated death," Taeyong sat on the sofa across from Kim, crossing his legs.

"You're not actually going to kill me are you?" KIm asked, looking defeated.

"You can't manipulate me. And to answer you, I don't know. It's all up to Jaehyun really. But if I had a say, I'd say yes. This life is worthless for you," Taeyong stared him down.

"You fucking bitch," Kim spat towards Taeyong.

Kim started to feel his head get dizzy. He couldn't feel his fingertips. A little longer and he couldn't tell reality from dreaming.

"Good luck," Taeyong said, walking out of the room.

one more chapter sweeties :')

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