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 Quidditch lessons and new seekers

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Quidditch lessons and new seekers

Harry had woken up the next morning, in much higher spirits than the previous night. His mind wandered to last night's events. What exactly was the dog hiding?

The young boy looked over at the time, seeing that it was 7:00am. Breakfast would start in 30 minutes and he remembered his conversation with Oliver Wood, the captain for Gryffindor's quidditch team, he was told to meet him down by the training grounds for a guide to playing quidditch. Classes wouldn't start for another two hours so he could still get breakfast before his first lesson.

Wood had explained that he wanted Harry to be there for 7:15 sharp.Hurriedly, he got dressed and walked through the corridors, outside to where the training grounds were. Standing leaning against the wall, just outside, was a very serious-looking captain.

"Hello Potter, right let's get going with this. First of all, I need you to help carry this trunk for me"

Grabbing onto the trunk with both hands, since it was heavy, he picked it up, carrying it to the spot where the lesson would begin.Oliver placed the trunk down, grunting at how heavy it was, leaving the brunette boy standing there waiting for him, expectantly

"Right! Quidditch is fairly easy enough. There's seven players on each team, three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and... a seeker... that's you" he delivered. With that he then opened the trunk revealing balls, two large ones and a smaller one. He then picked up one.

"This...is the Quaffle. The chasers job is to pass the Quaffle around whilst attempting to throw it into one of those hoops" Oliver points to the three hoops over the other side, "Ten points are awarded every time the ball is thrown through the hoop" He informs the chosen one, as he looked to him, waiting for some sort of affirmation that he understood his words. His desperation of not having to go into much more detail, clear.

Looking down and into the box, Harry saw the two larger balls, his curiosity getting the better of him as he asked the question.

"What do those two do?"

Oliver turned to the spectacled boy, seeing where he pointed to. His question wasn't answered though as the older Gryffindor simply picked up a bat from beside and held it out to the young boy, expecting him to take it.

"First of all, I need you to take this" he stated, firmly. When Harry had finally taken it, with both hesitation and confusion, Wood bent down and placed his hands on one of the shackles, securing the ball.

"Now, these, are bludgers. I need you to stand back, Potter because they are pretty ruthless"

Doing as he was told, he waited for him to release the bludger. Once he had done so, within a matter of seconds the bludger shot up into the air, flying into the clouds and beyond easy sighting.

"Once you see the Bludger flying down towards you that is close enough, I want you to hit it away from you, using the bat"

Harry nodded, he wasn't going to lie to himself when a bunch of worried thoughts came to him. Eventually, the Bludger came flying down, as though it was a bomb, he whacked it hard when it came close enough. It went flying away from the two Gryffindor's , soaring high in the air once more.

"Good job, Potter" Wood nods approvingly, "You'd make a fair beater".

It was then that the Bludger came flying towards the two Gryffindors again, however before any impact came, Wood had managed to catch the bludger and commando crawl towards the trunk, making sure that it wouldn't escape.Oliver just about got the Bludger back into the restraints, whilst muttering a few curse words.

Out of breath, he opened a small compartment, "This is all you need to worry about" the ball was much smaller than the others and shiny too. On either side were long, white wings.

"This is the golden snitch. You're job is to catch it. It's a nasty little thing and damn near impossible to see. You catch this, Harry and Gryffindor will win"

After going through the other rules, the boys carried up the trunk back to where it was supposed to be. Oliver discussed when the next training session would be before the first match.

Harry's first class was charms, Oliver's potions, so when the came to the correct exits, the two separated.

Unfortunately, he was late, once again to another class, he really wasn't making a good impression. When he took his seat, the brunette was met by the exhausted face of Ron Weasley. He definitely wasn't a morning person. Harry sat next to Ron and Hermione, as Ron sat in between the two girls, Elizabeth and Hermione. Hermione glared at both him and Ron slightly, meaning only one thing. Ron had also been late, although that didn't surprise Harry at all since he was never a morning person

A shrill voice suddenly spoke, startling everyone

"Today class we will be learning the levitation spell. I would like you to repeat after me wingardium leviosa. To complete this spell I would like you to swish and flick" Professor Flitwick said.

Harry looked to the side of him, having heard angry muttering, "stop, stop, stop! You're going to take someone's eye out! It's Levioosa not leviosaa" she sassed. With that the feather began to float causing Professor Flitwick to shout with glee. Ron didn't look to pleased with her, but his frown dropped when Lizzie said something to him.


He turned his head to his right-hand side to see that Seamus was completely covered in soot, from head to toe. His feather nowhere to seen. It seemed as though he was extremely good in the art of blowing things up. At least, he wasn't the only one who wasn't having a good start to their first year.

For the remainder of the lesson, including after, Harry helped Seamus clean up the remaining soot.

When he had finally managed to get out, the trio walked along the courtyard, on their way to drop off Libby at her common room. Hermione had left to go speak to Professor Flitwick about something. The two boys joked as the brunette girl thought about the events that had happened so far.

"Honestly she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends" the girl didn't know who he was talking badly about until Hermione pushed past, evidently crying. She glared at him.

"Well done, Ronald. That's a great start to the year" The girl quickly ran away after her friend , ignoring their calls for her to come back. Elizabeth had found Hermione
, say in a corner of the library, as she attempted to engross herself into a book. The other brunette sat down at Hermione's table, yet the bush haired girl only slammed her book shut, pacing to another corner. It was as though she had done something to her.

Elizabeth sighed. Well if Cedric didn't feel like she, herself did right now, then she don't know how he feelt. The young Diggory's thoughts were suddenly taken over as she thought of her father.What would she tell him? More importantly how?

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