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Unicorns and detentions

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Unicorns and detentions

Filch had been the one to escort all five of the students, taking them to Hagrid's hut, where they were met by the large man and his companion, Fang.

They were serving detention in the Forbidden Forest, forbidden for a reason, of course. In Hagrid's hand, he held a crossbow. Merlin knows what would be in here.

Norbert the Dragon was gone, taken away to Romania by Ron's brother, Charlie.

"This place is really creepy" the girl said, looking around nervously, as she quietly stepped over many twigs.

Malfoy laughed at this, " Aww. Little Diggory scwared?" She glared at him, as she and the three boys walked through the woods. Hagrid's and Fang a little ahead of them.

"Do you ever stop talking?!" She spat, causing Hagrid to shush her. She muttered an apology continuing to glare at Draco as he smirked, that was until a noise was heard...

A howling sound. The golden quartet stuck by one another, no more sound was heard, except for the slight sound of their heavy breathing.

The six of them, including Fang, walked towards a tree and that was when she saw it. Thick, silver liquid, that lay in a puddle. Hagrid bent down, placing his chubby fingers down and into it. His finger rubbing against one another, as he inspected it. He stood up, still looking at it.

"Umm. Hagrid, what is that?" Harry looked nervous, as he gulped.

"What we're here for..." he stated, looking over at the five, "see that? It's unicorn blood, tha' is"

Both Elizabeth's and Ron's eyes widened, as they looked quickly at each other. They gulped, that couldn't be good.

The five looked shocked, scared almost.

"I foun' one dead, a few weeks ago"

Elizabeth eyes widened as she stepped closer to Ron, he looked at her smiling reassuringly,  even though he himself, was scared of what was to come.

"Now this one's been hurt bad," he said, unfazed by their reactions, " by some'in"

They looked around, nothing in sight, yet an eerie feeling over came them all. It was as though they were waiting for something to pounce out. Yet nothing did, only the sounds of the night, could be heard. The forest was covered with a midnight blue colour, the only light emitted, was the lantern, which lit up the individual's faces. Even then did Hagrid eye where they were looking, still unfazed before talking again.

"So, it's our job to go and find the poor beast," he said, "Ron, Hermione you'll come with me. Harry and Lizzie...you'll go with Malfoy" The two stared at the blonde disgusted, but nonetheless did so.

"Okay! Then I get Fang" Malfoy demanded.

"Fine, just so's ya know....he's a bloody coward"

Fang whined making the three turned their head to him...

They had been walking for a while, Malfoy often saying, 'wait till my father hears about this!', causing both brunette's to roll their eyes.

"Could a werewolf be killing the unicorns?" Harry asked.

"There not fast enough, they're not built like wolves, they stand on two legs like us. Dad said it's rare for them to be hurt because of their power"

They walked past a tree stump, it covered in green, thick moss that oozed out of the trunk. They could hear running water and still there were spots of unicorn blood. Suddenly Hagrid shouted out to get behind a tree. Elizabeth felt herself being pulled back, her body almost hitting the trunk of the tree. An arrow flew ahead of them, but it only hit a floor. It was then that they saw a dark clacked figured, slithering along and over dead leaves.

"Who's there?" Hagrid's called, "show yerself- I'm armed!"

A figure approached, clear to Elizabeth that it was a centaur. Cedric had told her of the centaurs that roamed the forest and how kind matured they were.

"Harry Potter, I recognise you as well, remind me of your name"

"It's Elizabeth Diggory"

"Ah yes, you're mother was a great friend of mine. You're brother seems to be a lovely person as well. I'm sure the two of you get along excellently"

At the mention of her brother, the girl's head dropped down, "we um actually had an argument and err we're not exactly talked to each other" the girl stated sadly.

"May I ask why?"

"You see, I got into Slytherin and a Slytherin killed my mother. So he got angry because I've befriended mum's murderer's son"

" I see, I'm sure he will get over it and you two will work it out" she nodded slightly, unable to think of anything more to say. The conversation has deemed normal to her, as though she were talking to a friend.

"Well, Harry Potter you must leave as well as you Miss Diggory for your brother will worry about you. You, Mr Potter, are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time. If you do not terrible things may happen to you" the centaur spoke.

",Harry what does he mean?" Elizabeth asked nervously, gulping at the sudden shiver that crept up her spine and then back down again.

" That thing was a monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn, drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death but at a terrible price" the centaur walked forward now standing in front of the two of them, looking down upon the terrified faces that looked to him, both curiosity and fear evident in their faces.

"You have slain something, so pure, that from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half life. A cursed life" Ronan now stood still in front of them about to say something else when Elizabeth interrupted him:

"Why on earth would anyone choose to do that?" she asked stepping forward slightly, mainly out of her curiosity.

"Who would do that ?" came Harry's voice from behind. Ronan turned to the scar-headed boy.

"Can you think of no one?" He asked, slightly shocked that he didn't know the answer. Elizabeth knew, of course it was him, he only wanted power.

"Do you mean to say that, that thing that killed the unicorn, that was drinking its' blood, that was Voldemort?" Everyone around the boy visibly winded at the name spoken.

Ronan moved his head closer so that it were eye level with his own, " Do you know what is hidden in the school at this moment, Mr Potter?"

"The Philospher's stone..." with that a bark was heard and along came Hagrid and Fang with the others...

"Ah it's you Firenze" Hagrid sighed in relief.

"Good evening to you, Hagrid's. I just met two of your students. Sarah Diggory's daughter. It also appears one has run off, I don't know why exactly. I would not harm any of them"

"Harry! Lizzie!" Hermione shouted as both she and Ron ran over to their friends.

"Ah yes, she was a brigh' one. This is Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and of course Mal- oh never mind"

"Students are you? Tell me do you learn much up at the school?"

"Erm a bit" Hermione spoke timidly.

"You alrigh' there Harry, Elizabeth?" The two nodded, still slightly shaken up from the sight before.

"Harry Potter, I must leave. Do not come back here again" with that the half man, half horse disappeared back into the bushes.

"Are you alright, Libby?" Ron asked tentatively, she nodded not wanting much of a fuss if she had told him the truth.

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