~Sisters, Doing it for Themselves!~

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WARNING: This fanfic depicts activities of an adult nature between characters who would be minors in the real world. The author of this fic does not endorse such things being done by minors in real life, and in fact strongly discourages minors from reading this, and also from participating in any and all such activities until they are at the age of majority/consent as defined in the laws or customs of their state or principality.

It was with no small amount of trepidation that Naruto twisted his body out of his mother's grip, smiling shamefacedly at her as he ducked aside and cantered down the hall. The softly, sleepily mumbling forms of Obi and Mari dangling over his shoulders and bouncing (in more than one way) as he went.

Mina smiled at her son's retreating back, laughing quietly to herself.

"Mm. What a nice ass," she observed, licking her lips while leering after her son's trouser-clad posterior. "He definitely gets that from Kushina."

Naruto, meanwhile, headed on down the hallway in search of the guestroom. It was, by some odd quirk of design, one of the furthest rooms from the entrance, being at the far end of one of the entry hallway's branches. He did not walk with any particular hurry after that initial spurt, and he neared the destination after about a minute of walking.

He heard the moans well before that.

"Ohhh, Mistress Kushina...! Yes! Fuck, yes! Yes!"

"Break me! Break me, please, Madame!"

"I'm dying! Oh, fuck! This feels too good! Ahhn❤!"

Naruto's cheeks blossomed with a rosy tint, a ruddy bloom that glowed from out his face. Even without hearing the mention of his other mom's name, or recognizing the voices, his sensory abilities alone made it quite clear what he was going on there.

His mom, Kushina could be very old fashioned, sometimes. The Uzumaki were a very old clan of great power and wealth going far back. For centuries, they had oft taken enemies alive in battle, and indoctrinated them as slaves. It had been a very widespread practice among many clans, of course, but the Uzumaki and their seals had perfected it into an art form. So called "war wives" were numerous among the most affluent and powerful Uzumaki, and some old accounts spoke of some clan grandmasters taking more than a hundred enemy shinobi captive over the course of their lives.

Naruto had always been a little skeptical of those sorts of numbers, and despite everything else had never exactly been of the disposition to enslave captured enemies. Certainly, a few had offered themselves to him in the past, perhaps feeling that life in servitude would be better than death or punishment at the hands of the mistresses, but until today he had never done so.

Part of him wondered almost why he had decided to do it now, of all times.

That part was quickly and ruthlessly silenced.

Still, Naruto walked past the room stealthily, where his mom Kushina was evidently trying out Samui and Karui and Omoi. Probably this was as much to assert a position of dominance as it was to get herself off on their nubile bodies.

Feeling a little embarrassingly hard at that thought, Naruto finally made it to the guest room. He slid the door open easily enough with his foot (it was one of those old fashioned sliding shoji deals), and carried Obi and Mari over to the bed. He laid them down on top of it, pulling down the covers.

After a moment of thought, he leaned down over the girls and took a cursory whiff of their clothes.

He immediately blanched, recoiling and shuddering.

"Ugh," Naruto muttered. "Yeah, okay. Those totally need a wash."

Proceeding with a kind of swiftness both inherited from his mother Mina and honed through his training under Miraiya (occasionally literally, when she felt like topping), Naruto's hands blurred through the air. Fingers instinctively sought out strategic straps, ties, buckles, and buttons to deftly undo; hands masterfully slipped garments off of womanly frames without disturbing their rest.

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