~Unlucky Numbers~

111 1 0

WARNING: This fanfic depicts activities of an adult nature between characters who would be minors in the real world. The author of this fic does not endorse such things being done by minors in real life, and in fact strongly discourages minors from reading this, and also from participating in any and all such activities until they are at the age of majority/consent as defined in the laws or customs of their state or principality.

"Naruto... listen to me!" Pain cried out, gasping for air. Her body writhed anxiously beneath the blond as she wailed, trying in vain to get through to him. "Please, don't do this...! Naruto. Naruto!"

Tanned, calloused hands roughly and yet skillfully cupped the mounds of Nagato's breasts. The soft and supple flesh of her bosom gave ever-so-slightly where they squeezed, long and dextrous fingers dragging agonizingly pleasant furrows through the yielding tissue of her breasts.

Muscular, solid legs pinned the redhead's lower body to the wet floor. Irregularly spaced iron rivets dug into Nagato's back, her naked skin scraping torturously over the floor's uneven steel plates. Droplets of rain blew in from the open sides of the balcony, drizzling lightly upon her face and chest.

"Naruto, please... can't you see? Listen to me!" Nagato moaned, weakly rolling her head side to side. Her arms would not raise themselves against Naruto, and her legs would not carry her away from him. Her very body conspired against her.

But she would not be so easily defeated. Not though the tip of his manhood should tease the slit of her maiden-head, not though he should kiss and caress her in his brusquely affectionate manner.

"I know you can hear me. I'm sure of it!" she shouted over the howling wind. The rain picked up. "It's a lie! An illusion, all of it! None of this is real! We are...!"

The sky over Ame grew black, a darkling gloom which pervaded every nook and cranny. Nagato felt it in her very soul, the dismal air of the Hidden Rain. It sapped away her hope, filling her heart with a profound dread.

For a moment, her voice died in her throat.

The hairs on Nagato's neck stood on end. A tingling raced over her skin, unrelated to Naruto's closeness or Naruto's touch.

A flash of light. Deafening clap, and rolling boom.

The tower shuddered down to its very foundations. Nagato felt it in her bones. Her body trembled; her bosom quivered in Naruto's hands. His lips mashed down hungrily on hers, to a raucous symphony of hooting and hollering from the rest of Akatsuki.

Electricity coursed through Nagato's veins, wholly unrelated to the lightning bolt from seconds earlier. Naruto kissed her hungrily, his tongue dancing with hers. He embraced her, attending to her slim and lovely figure.

Her body felt pleasure, but her heart knew only dread.

"N-Naruto..." she gasped, sputtering breathlessly when the blond finally broke off from the kiss. His fingers danced across her pale thighs, raising goosebumps wherever they touched her. His every caress thrilled her. "Can't you hear me? Listen...!"

She tried again to speak to him, to make the blond see sense. It was hard to focus, though. Naruto's hands were all over her, squeezing and stroking every inch of her body. His fingers gingerly, teasingly rubbed up and down over her wet slit. He pinched one of her nipples, carefully tweaking and twisting it.

Neck. Earlobe. Underarm. Back of the knee.

Navel. Buttocks. Small of the back.

Breasts. Nipples.


He sought out and stimulated all of Nagato's weakest, most vulnerable points. He wracked her body with unimaginable pleasure, skillfully bringing her to the peak even quite against her will. She did what she could to resist, but Naruto was a masterful lover.

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