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(This is my first fanfic, so sorry if this sucks ass also, I have no clue on any alcoholic drinks that go together, so I'm praying I'm doing this correctly; ok hope you enjoy <3)

-8:36 am-

The sun peeked in threw the shut blinds of the room. You feel your boyfriend on the other side of you cuddling up against your back. You softly push him off you so you can get up, but you feel him grab you and pull you back down, this time your face to face with him.

" I have to get up. I can't just lay here all day with you, Gojo."

"I never said to lay here all day; I just wanted to cuddle you for a little. Am I not allowed to do that?"

You roll your eyes and pull him into your chest. He grins and moves his head, so he's more into your chest. You can see how his left cheek is squished up from laying on you. You decided to lay there with him for a little since you don't have work until later.


-10:40 am-

You and Gojo have gotten up and started doing what you need to do, getting dressed, showering, etc. You and Gojo have way different jobs than each other. You work as a Bartender, which means you don't bring home a lot which you don't mind since its enough to pay bills, get food, and that's it. Gojo works at an office job, and when you first met him, he didn't seem the working at an office job type of guy, but since he brought home more of the money, you didn't complain. You and Gojo have been dating for two years, and you were happy and content. You both had great jobs, a nice home, and loved each other.

You had just finished getting ready to go to work even though you still had a lot of time. You are sitting on the couch scrolling threw your phone since Gojo had to leave in a few minutes. You are about to get up until you feel buzzing. Looking around, you see Gojos phone going off. You sit up all the way and grab Gojo's phone to see who's calling.

"Who the fuck is-"

Gojo snatches the phone from your hand and answers the call. You didn't even get enough time to ask him who that was. He finishes his call and starts walking away without saying anything.

" Hold up, Gojo, who the fuck was that?!"

He turns and looks at you. You couldn't fully tell his facial expression since he had his glasses on.

" My work partner Y/n."

"Your work partner is a girl?"

"Yes, is that a problem?"

You didn't like being jealous, especially when it came to Gojo's work. You can't help that Gojo got partnered up with a girl since that was out of his control. But you can help but be suspicious about him snatching his phone away that fast, especially since it was a girl.

" No, it's fine."

You walk past Gojo, obviously upset. You know he's not going to do anything about you being upset right now cause he has to go to work. He walks out the door with the things he needs and leaves. You get your shoes on and wait a few minutes for Gojo to be gone before walking out the door, so you don't have to see him.


-4:30 pm-

It's been a few hours since you got to work. You always enjoy work because you always meet new people, sometimes you get annoyed cause of the drunk guys who try to flirt with you even though you already explained you have a boyfriend. Besides those times you often enjoyed it.

You finish serving this guy a drink when you see someone walk in. He had his hair up in a bun and wore pretty casual clothes. He caught your attention quickly. He sits down and waits for you to be finished with the other guy. You make your way over there to spark conversation with him and get his drink order.

" Hi, what can I get for you?"

You ask with a small smile.

" Rum and coke."

" got it."

You finish making his drink and walk back to hand it to him.

" I feel like I know you from somewhere."

The black-haired man said.

" I don't think so. What's your name?"

"Suguru Getou."

" Are you friends with someone named Satoru Gojo?"

" Yeah, actually, who are you to him?"

You thought for a second, trying to figure out if you should give him information about you and Gojos relationship, I mean, you were pissed at him at the moment, but that doesn't mean that you guys weren't dating...

" Oh, Im his Girlfriend.."

" Oh, he never mentioned you to me. How long have you two been together?"

You were in complete shock. Getou and Him are friends, and he hasn't mentioned me to him once out of our two-year relationship.

"two years...."

He sits there surprised.

" Oh, well, sorry for mentioning it..."

" Don't worry about it. How long have you two known each other?"

" About four years."

You felt so sick. Four fucking years he's known this man, and he didn't mention one thing to him. That means we started dating when they were friends. And he didn't say anything.

" Oh well, that's good to know!"

"Yeah, I can't believe he never mentioned anything about you."

"Yeah, I can't either..."

"If you don't mind, can I have your phone number? Maybe all three of us can hang out sometime?"

"Oh sure, let me give that to you."

You don't usually give random people your phone numbers since you are dating Gojo, but since he also knew Gojo and seemed nice, you didn't mind.

"I best be going now. I still have work tomorrow; have a good night!"

"You too!"

After he walked out the door, you realized you never gave him your name, but to be honest, you were still super upset that Gojo never told Geto that you two were dating after four years of knowing him.

Trust Issues {Getou x f!/reader}Where stories live. Discover now