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Note: I wrote this so late and I wasn't thinking so I'm praying this makes sense THANK YOU AND ENJOY BABES. 

11:25 am

You feel yourself stir awake. you didn't know what time it was but you felt better. Your headache had gone away and you felt less exhausted. You sit up and see a blanket placed on top of you. You try to refresh your memory on what happened then remember that you had fallen asleep on the couch with Suguru, so he was probably the one who put the blanket over you. Sliding the blanket off, you head for the bathroom and open the door only to be met with Suguru drying his hair off with a towel. He had just gotten out of the shower. How does this happen to you all the time? 

"Holy shit I'm so sorry." You say turning around immediately and slamming the door. Two fucking times. Two times you have almost seen him, ass naked. Well, you just did but you only saw his face and his chest. You feel yourself get hot at the thought that you just had walked in on him naked. Poor dude was just trying to get dressed and your bitch ass had to keep bothering him. You contemplate if you even wanted to go hang out with him and Gojo tonight as it would be embarrassing seeing him. You put your hands on your face and rub your face harshly, acting like It would help the situation. The sound of the bathroom door creaks open and you feel yourself redden. 

"You ok? Did you nee-"

"I'm so sorry again oh my god this is so embarrassing." You say softly as you couldn't turn around and look at him face to face. 

"Your ok don't worry about it," Suguru says as a plants his rough, big hand on your shoulder. He walks closer to you to get a good look at your face. You turn your head to him and your jaw almost drops. God, he's so sexy. You could repeat that every day for the rest of your life cause it was true. His jawline, eyes, lips, everything about his was attractive. Especially his personality. Unlike Satoru, Suguru was kind and very charming. But you also needed to realize that you had just gotten over a relationship of two years. Of course, you want love, you wanted something. You also couldn't immediately trust Suguru.  Satoru was the same way in the beginning, Loving and charming. Plus they were friends of four years. 

"Ok, again I'm sorry. You just can't catch a break with me." You say laughing a little trying to lighten up the mood. He chuckles and walks past you to his room closing the door behind him.  You turn around and head to the bathroom, planning on getting ready for the day. 

3:48 pm 

You walked out of your room and headed out to the living room, planning on just hanging out til Suguru was ready to go hang out with Gojo. You laid yourself down and put your hands behind your head for support. You sat there for a few minutes before you got bored. Being on your phone was also boring. You huffed and turned your head to the coffee table. There laid a pack of cigarettes. They were Suguru's obviously, so you knew you shouldn't. But it was tempting. You sat there looking at the Ciggarets now, deciding what to do. The answer was obvious, to get up and distract yourself. But there was a small feeling inside of you that told you to take one. One couldn't hurt.  You could tell you were overthinking, it hasn't been the easiest few days for you. So taking one isn't going to kill.

"Y/n, you ok?" Suguru said. You look up and see Suguru standing above you, looking down at you. You must have spaced out and didn't realize. You glance at the pack of cigarettes for a second before looking back at him. You nod your head and got up stretched and was going to head to your room. Your mood had dropped and you felt like crying. You started walking towards your room before Suguru gripped your wrist pulling you back. You turn to him confused.

"Y/n talk to me, what's wrong?" Suguru said with concern now in his voice. You looked at him and smiled a little. 

"Nothing, I was just thinking." You didn't want to concern him in any way. You especially didn't want to get him involved with your feelings. He's already done enough for you, you didn't need to put any more on his shoulders. 

"Ok, you let me know if need anything. Let's head out ?"

You nodded and he started leading the way and you followed, You broke your wrist from his hand and glided your hand against his in the hope he would accept your hand into his. Which he did. Holding it tightly as if you were gonna leave him forever. 

You walked down the steps together and headed for his car. You offered to drive again like you did last time but again he denied your offer. Suguru and you had gotten to the car and broke hands before getting in. He started the engine and you guys were off.

"Did Satoru ever say where he wanted to meet at?" You questioned. 

"Yeah, he told us to meet at some bar." 

Your jaw almost dropped. You had forgotten to call your boss about missing today. You were for sure were gonna get fired this time no doubt.

"Shit, I'm gonna get fired." You said scrambling to get your phone out of your pocket. 

"You forgot to call him huh?"

"Yeah." You said softly. You felt like you were going to cry. You didn't want to though, especially not in front of Suguru. You had already done that once and doing it a second time would be embarrassing as you didn't want to seem like an emotional wreck. Not denying you weren't but you also weren't going to admit that you were. You dial up his number and put your hand on your knee for support as you knew you were gonna get yelled at. The sound of the phone ringing raised your anxiety higher than it already was.

"Hello?" You hear from your boss. 

"Hello Mr. Ijichi, uhm sorry I didn't call earlier I kinda uhm forgot to. I haven't been feeling good today as I have been for the past couple of days."

"Yeah, I was wondering where the hell you had been. It's fine but I expect you to be here tomorrow and for the whole rest of next week. If you still don't feel good by then I need a doctor's note. "

"Yes sir, thank you again sorry for the late phone call."

"It's ok, cya tomorrow." 

"Ok thank you goodbye."

You hung up and sighed in relief. 

"So did you get fired?" Suguru said.

"No thank god. If I had I would have cried."

Suguru chuckled and pulled up in a parking spot at the bar. You hadn't realized how close it was. Or maybe the time had just passed by so quickly. 

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