There's still something here part 3

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A few days had gone by and for some reason Toni hadn't heard a peep from Cheryl.

She half expected to be run out of Riverdale at this point but she just continued about her usual day like nothing happened.

Was Cheryl just gonna live with this?

"Hello, Daydreamer? We got drinks to serve" Sweet Pea snaps her out of her recurring thoughts and she looks around at the full house they were dealing with tonight.

"T, gimme two extra dirty martini's and a whiskey neat please" she hears Reggie's voice order as a wad of dollar bills are placed in front of her and she glared at his clueless face.

"I'll get your drinks but work your money out, you're not an animal" she pushed the wad of cash to the side with her finger and grabbed the glasses she needed for his drinks.

"Sorry bout that" he begins unraveling his cash as he speaks, "Saw your wife in the corner, doesn't look like she's having a good time" Reggie comments casually and Toni's eyes widen at his words

"M-my wife?"

" the back " he signals behind him towards the group of men holding pool cues and there she was, hidden behind the bikers, gyrating dancers and mingling singles.
"If I were you I'd get to the bottom of that" he advised sweetly as he took the now finished martinis from Toni's shaking hands.

"I'll get on the whiskey neat"

"And on the wifely duties please, Cheryl and I may not be the closest but she's awesome and I hate to see her sad alright? Oh oh and I'll be back for the whiskey!" He let out as he walks off into the bar and Toni sits there for a moment processing his words

She was almost sick at how proud she felt to have heard that again.

From someone other than her own inner voice.

Wife. Cheryl was her wife.

Though Toni didn't deserve her, the selfish part was truly relishing this fact. Insecurities be damned for the time being, Cheryl Blossom was still and would always be her wife.

"And she stared longingly at the beauty across the room..." Veronica's teasing voice came from nowhere and startled the shorter woman.


"Hello, Antoinette...attend any divorce proceedings this week?" She half teased, standing directly in Toni's view of Cheryl.

"...I think you know I did not"

"I definitely know you did not so why don't we make this super simple" Veronica begins to reveal a file she had tucked in her bag "Sign this and you have nothing to worry about"

The document was simple enough, everything was already split in terms of their earnings and belongings and Cheryl was never one to be unreasonable....well not with her.

It seemed harmless and easy, but it wasn't.

Toni was fully aware they had already reached the end of everything. There was no going back anymore.

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