Chapter Five

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Time seemed to fly as the evening grew more relaxed. Steve and Shuri eventually came to find James and Cleo and returned them to the dance floor so they could all dance together. Dessert was served, a round of champagne, and a toast was shared before the event began to wind down. 

The music still played softly, and they certainly weren't being kicked out, but the bubbly champagne started to make Cleo a little sleepy. A faint flush had returned to her cheeks and as she looked down to check the time. Oh man. Is there any reason I have to get up in the morning? This was later than her usual bedtime. She picked up her phone then adjusted herself in her seat, preparing to stand and let Shuri know she was leaving. Before she could, though, her eyes met with James'; he was sitting a few seats down. As she began to offer him a smile, a yawn was pulled from her against her will and she quickly reached up to cover her mouth. She broke into laughter, though, as the yawn ceased. He definitely saw that.

James smirked from his place, sitting beside Steve, holding a glass of champagne in his hand. "I think Miss Cleo is a tad tipsy," he commented, knowing Steve could hear him.

Steve turned his head to glance at Bucky but moved his eyes to glance at Cleo for a moment; he wasn't going to stare. "Good for Miss Cleo. Remember when we could get tipsy?" he said with a smirk. He sat back in his chair and reached out to put his hand on Bucky's shoulder. "If she is tipsy, it might be a good idea for someone to walk her home."

"I take it you mean me?" James asked. "You know, I'm not the smooth talker that I used to be," he pointed out. "It's been too long."

"Oh yeah? Well, the smile on her face when we found you guys outside says you're smooth enough for her," Steve replied with a smirk. "Besides, you think I didn't see you glancing down the table for the last half hour?"

James huffed, barely containing a smile from showing on his face. "She doesn't like me like that, Steve. It's pretty easy to see. But I will walk her home. I don't want anything to happen to her."

Steve's expression shifted to a more quizzical one for a moment and he angled his body more toward his friend. "Question... if she did like you like that," he posed, "would you do anything about it?" It was understandable if he said no right now, Steve wouldn't be frustrated with him for that. But he couldn't help but hope his buddy would take a swing.

"Steve... I don't know. It's hard to think that anyone would like me in that way," he answered. "I do like her," he added, "but I just don't know."

Steve sighed faintly before nodding. "I hear ya, Buck. I won't push it," he replied, giving his friend's shoulder a squeeze. He turned to glance back at Cleo, who appeared to be getting to her feet, presumably to head home. "Might want to make your offer, though, because M'Baku seems to have noticed as well."

James nodded and stood before he walked up to Cleo and reached out to steady her by grasping her elbow. "Easy... do you want me to walk you home?"

Cleo had slipped her shoes back on for the walk home, but stability was leaving something to be desired. She wasn't great in heels normally, let alone after a few drinks. When she felt someone grab her elbow and she turned to see who it was, her expression softened as it turned out to be James. His question made her laugh faintly at herself. "That... would probably be helpful, thank you," she admitted in agreement.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself," he said softly as he continued to hold her by her elbow. "Is it okay if I put my arm around you?" James asked, making sure she would be okay with his touch.

"It's just these heels! I've really got to remember to bring flats to these things," Cleo replied. "Yes, yeah, that's fine," she confirmed, allowing him to slip his arm around her. "God, you are really strong," she observed, knowing she must weigh very little to him.

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