It's Not Just A Fairy Tail

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Fandom: Kuroshitsuji—Card Captor Sakura (Crossover)

Ships: CielxElizabeth, EriolxTomoyo, SebastianxRuby

Characters: Li Syaoran, Sakura Kinomoto, Yue, Keroberos, Spinel Sun

Synopsis: An unexpected invitation to a masquerade ball that would take place at some old friends of his master's home. And a situation he wouldn't have imagined even in his wildest dreams.

Warnings: AU 18th century. Canonverse. Crack Ship. Cupid—style Romance

London, England

London, England

—Your correspondence, young master...

Sebastian Michaelis announced, as he handed a letter to the boy with indigo hair close to his neck and whose right eye was hidden under a white patch. Ciel Phantomhive took the envelope from his butler's hands, and then stated, with a raised eyebrow and a significant smile on his face, that he imagined that he had already checked the contents of it. Especially since the stamp on the envelope didn't belong to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. The man with neck—length black hair, pale skin, and intense crimson eyes nodded, admitting that he knew the owner of that seal perfectly anyway. He had seen him on more than one occasion at the festivities and gatherings organized by the Queen. Ciel then quickly read the letter, returning a smile to his butler before handing him the envelope again.

—You know him too, Sebastian. He has never visited us until now, but, as you have said, we have met repeatedly at the Queen's parties. In fact, Eriol and his future wife, Tomoyo Daidöuji, wish to invite us to a masquerade ball at his mansion here in London...

—I thought it would be Mrs. Hiiragizawa at this point... —said the demon butler, genuinely surprised —Of the few, almost zero conversations we've had, I only remember her constant insistence on the matter of her future wedding. I imagine that his 'companions' will also attend. You know I'm not talking about the Li couple, right?

Of course he knew. His friends, indeed from Japan, China and Great Britain, were also peculiar people, so to speak. And their four usual companions were as much as Sebastian himself. The Li and Hiiragizawa couples, at least one of their members, in the latter case, were sorcerers. The only person who didn't possess any power or ability was Tomoyo Daidöuji, Eriol's wife. Finally, four magical creatures regularly accompanied them. Two huge winged feline—like beasts and two creatures —one male and the second female— who, if he had to describe them in a coherent enough way, looked like humanoids endowed with certain angelic features. Mainly, its imposing wings. What Michaelis didn't know, unlike himself, was that these last two beings were as fully capable of disguising their appearance as he was. However, the indigo—haired boy was almost certain that it wouldn't be Yukito Tsukishiro and Nakuru Akizuki who would show up at the dance, but, in fact, their magical alter—egos; Yue and Ruby Moon.

—Are you alright, young master? Forgive me, but I don't remember having seen you like this in a long time...

—I am, Sebastian; don't worry. Could you take care of sending the answer to Hiiragizawa? Maybe you want to do it in person...

It was very strange that Ciel would request something like that from him. Therefore, he knew the moment the minor finished speaking that he had decided to accept the invitation. Otherwise, he would have ordered him to discard it. He used to attend social events; it was part of his 'routine' as Earl and as head of Phantomhive Enterprises. But this particular event had little to do with anything concerning the family business. Hiiragizawa was an old acquaintance of his, although, if he thought about it seriously, his wife Tomoyo was in charge of the huge chain of toy stores that she had inherited from his mother, Sonomi. The butler couldn't help but think, why not with a hint of suspicion and concern, that the British, and even the Eastern (Japanese) woman herself, might have had other intentions in organizing this ball. What he didn't imagine was that, in fact, he was right, but that, on the other hand, said intentions were far from sinister or dark. And that, finally, he would be the center of the plan orchestrated not only by the Hiiragizawa and Li couples but, mainly, by his own master.

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