A Very... Peculiar Couple

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Weekly Challenges

1st Person

Fandom: Kuroshitsuji

Title: A Marriage... Peculiar

Ships: GrellxSebastian, CielxElizabeth

Characters: Tanaka, Prince Soma, Agni

Synopsis: AU. Such a situation had to be impossible between two beings of their nature. No matter how deep their love was. However, when they least expected it, that day finally arrived.

Warnings. AU. OoC. Crack Ship. Fancy. Paternity. Angst family. Demons. Death of a Character (mentioned).

It's been 20 years since we've been together under the same roof. Twenty years in which the young Earl had finally achieved his goal of revenge. It hadn't been the same story as far as I was concerned, though. Honestly speaking, I wouldn't have allowed, let alone forgiven myself, to take a soul that was probably more corrupted by darkness than my own. And I never had a soul. Anyway, I suppose you are wondering why I had decided to give it up. The reason is even more complex to describe than the simple fact of not corrupting an innocent young man at all. If that was the case, my presence here for the last 20 years wouldn't have made the slightest sense. Anyway, the real reason for such a decision has, if I can put it that way, a proper name. And what is even worse, this is someone whom, for more than three centuries, I should have hated more than I did my own race. That is to say, those beings known as 'soul reapers'; or, in more specific terms, a Shinigami. Even more precisely, it was one with long red hair and curious green—yellow eyes. And I mean curious, because it's not an everyday thing to come across a being with crimson eyes. Anyway, going back to my companion, he is also an absolutely insane being. He still is, even after the highly unusual event that we had to experience 5 years ago.

—Sebastian! Are you there?

And speaking of Satan, or whatever you want to call him, there was Grell Sutcliff. I think her yelling must have woken up even the little twins sleeping upstairs. Even despite the fact that they are only six months old. Yes, as you hear, the mansion has also been filled with children; beginning with my masters' twins. Geez, I never thought Earl Phantomhive would become a father. However, he doesn't only have his little twins, but also a 7—year—old girl. Their names are Angelina, Edward and Albert. I think her late Majesty, Queen Victoria, would have been most happy to see him, if she were still with us. Even more so, if she knew that her Guardian Dog decided to honour her late husband by giving his name to one of his little children. Oh, good grief, I think this is getting out of hand. Since when have I been so sentimental? I had the answer almost numbing my left arm as I held her in my lap and sipped a cup of tea. I think I didn't mention it, but I wasn't the only butler of the Phantomhive Manor anymore. Unfortunately, Mr. Tanaka was no longer with us either. However, my master decided to welcome back two old acquaintances. And why deny it? I couldn't honestly object.

—This must be the fourth time I try to get your attention... —Grell said once again, staring at me and with an accusing gesture that practically broke when she looked down. —Has she fallen asleep yet? Again?

I raised an eyebrow. Victoria was only two years old, what else did she expect to happen? I stood up, leaving the empty cup on the table in front of me and rearranging our daughter in my arms. Sure enough, the little bundle of black hair and eyes that were closed at the time but were green was our daughter. Obviously, such an event would have never been possible in a natural way, when none of us was even a human being, much less alive. To whom did we owe such a 'gift' then? None other than Madame Phantomhive; that is, the young Countess Elizabeth. I almost instinctively brought my left hand to my temple and began massaging slowly as that memory flashed through my mind. Then I sat down again and sighed. Unfortunately, the latter was a habit I hadn't been able to shake since meeting the young master. On the other hand, and particularly since the arrival of little Angelina, I began to experience something similar to insomnia, and even migraines, even though, under normal circumstances, someone like me should not. I never needed to sleep. That was, until seven years ago. I shook my head when I realized that the woman in front of me extended her arms with the intention of taking little Victoria and, unable to help it, I simply handed her over.

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