Who Is She?

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Special Gift

To: Monse Michaelis—san

Fandom: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

Title: Who Is She?

Characters: Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel Phantomhive, Elizabeth Midford, OC

Synopsis: Ciel Phantomhive had begun to notice that her senior was acting strange. Of course, if his usual attitudes could be considered normal in the first place. This time, however, she was almost certain that Sebastian Michaelis was keeping something from her. Little did he know that he was not only right in his suspicions, but that it was something as strange, and even sinister, as the very circumstances of his encounter with the demon.

Warnings: AU. OoC. sacrifices. Obscene language. Angst. Amnesia. Demons

Phantomhive Manor

Like every night, Sebastian Michaelis took his master to his room and, after laying him down and tucking him in as usual, he said goodbye to him with almost trained courtesy, and then he turned his back on him and left. All the while, he kept the most absolute, respectful silence. Such behaviour wasn't in the least usual for the man with black hair and crimson eyes at all. However, on the other hand, it was neither the first time something like this had happened nor the only strange thing in the butler's attitude. Although the 21—year—old boy with indigo hair down to his neck and sky—coloured eyes, chose to once again keep his doubts to himself. What he didn't imagine was that Michaelis could only be grateful that he had taken that path. Anyway, though, the demon knew that Ciel had never been someone curious; at least not like his future wife, Elizabeth Midford. Though, fortunately for Michaelis, she was a highly distracted woman. Not to mention ignorant of anything going on around her. Once he verified that his master had fallen asleep, Sebastian left the room, slowly closing the door behind him. He let out a deep breath as he continued down the long corridor, checking to see if the rest of the servants, including Tanaka, had retreated to their rooms as well. Only when he made sure of it did he retire to rest. Which had never been usual for him; however, on this particular night, he had taken it upon himself to finish his chores with the utmost urgency. He even made the preparations for breakfast earlier that his regular schedule.

As soon as his eyes closed, he again had the same feeling that someone was watching him. But on none of the previous occasions had he managed to even get a glimpse of that person. That night, however, everything was different. In the first place, a scene that was sadly familiar to him appeared before his eyes, since him himself, or rather his master, had experienced it at the time of their meeting. A huge house was on fire, while a young woman who must not have been older than 13 years old was desperately fleeing from there. Her blue orbs were misted with tears as she exclaimed, her voice cracking with tears, the names of who, probably, from what he could make out between her sobs, were her parents and older brother. He watched her run until she tripped over a huge root sticking out of the rather tall grass floor. However, before she tumbled face first to the ground, she ran into a figure that quickly scooped her up, pressing her face against their chest. Sebastian instinctively raised an eyebrow. He couldn't see her, since she had her back to him; yet, even despite this, he was able to recognize her –or her nature– only by her presence as sinister as his own. In other words, she was another demon.

—I wouldn't dare ask who and why they sent you to spy on me... Just let me warn you one thing... I don't know who the hell you are or what you're doing in this place, but would you please return to him...

—It sounds absurdly ironic that you have forgotten who I am, but instead remember who I serve...

As was the case every time he had such a dream, the image before him faded as he heard the sound of a distant male voice calling his name. It was a voice that he could recognize perfectly and that, just thinking about it, caused an intense pain in his chest that he didn't remember having experienced in all his long existence. But that Sebastian was fully aware that it wasn't physical pain, which alarmed him even more. That woman in front of him wasn't just another demon; he had met her nearly 300 years ago. She was his sister.

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