Spring Fling

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It was May 27th which meant it was time for the spring fling and Lorelai was pumped "Why would they do spring fling in late May? I mean it's almost summer"

"Well it got you here didn't it?" Lorelai questioned her daughter

"Hey I am considered full term, you should be happy I even showed up today so you wouldn't have to go alone"

"Or you just want to escape your husband hmmm?" Lorelai accused and Rory rolled her eyes

"That's so not true" and Lorelai raised her eyebrows

"Is it wrong for me to feel smothered, he's been great but now he's like a hypochondriac"

"I think your equally both like this right now, didn't I call you last week and you were redoing your hospital bag?" Rory sighed

"Alright fine, plus he said he was gonna come sometime today after his meeting. I have two weeks left of work and then I'm in mommy mode"

"You nervous?" Rory nodded "oh yes petrified" Rory looked at her pants "I was scared even today that I wouldn't be able to fit into my maternity jeans"

"And look at you hot little mama!" They walked by Miss Patty preparing her dancers for the dance of the daffodils "your dancers look wonderful this year Patty"

"Why thank you Lorelai, we've tried to up our pazzaz this year, added a few new moves to!"

"Well we can't wait" Lorelai said as they continued to walk "so smothered you mentioned?"

"going to sound like the worst but. He's just so good, he's there hand and foot and if I need anything or he's always calling and making sure I'm alright. He just loves me so much and I'm a terrible wife"

"I think he does this because your pregnant, could give birth any day now and yes because he loves you. Sookie felt the exact same way and you are not a terrible wife" she chuckled

"He's so excited" Rory said "and I'm excited but more scared, how am I supposed to be someone's mother I am not nurturing"

"You are Rory, you've taken care me so many times you didn't even realize and you've taken care of everyone around you. I know it feels this way right now but the second that little girls in your arms, that fresh new baby scent, her snuggled up to your chest. All your worries will fade for a bit" she patted Rory's arm "you're going to be great hon"

"Last time Logan went to this, the hay bale maze took over" Rory said as they looked around to see all the booths being set up and flowers

"Well luckily he gets a normal experience this time" she patted Rory's back

"Rory, Lorelai!" They turned to see Dean

"Oh my god Dean" Rory said

"Flat Stanley, always a pleasure" Lorelai quipped

"Wow Rory you're almost there" she nodded "I am officially full term" she grimaced

"Yeah Rory can't wait for her to make her grand entrance" Lorelai added

"Oh so it's a girl?" Dean questioned and they nodded "I heard about your wedding, congratulations"

"Thank you" Rory smiled "I promise I didn't skimp you an invite, we had a small private ceremony" he chuckled "No hard feelings Ror"

"Oh I see gypsy's lemonade, I'll be back!" Lorelai said running off

"So how's the book?" Dean asked "how scared should I be?" She laughed softly

"I'm almost done! Kind of crazy to think about it though. I have a couple publishers I've been sending chapters to and a few contracts have been offered. So it's on its way... and not too scared, maybe about the lord of the rings" he laughed softly

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