April 13, 2015

33 7 0

Dear Diary,

    Once again I messed up trying to fix a problem. I don't get why I keep doing the wrong thing. Hafsa and Saailah (my sisters) were arguing over which scooter was theirs. To solve this problem I wrote their names on the bottom of each one. However I didn't think ahead. Ummi scolded me saying that no one would want to by a scooter with someone else's name written on it in permanent ink. 

     I'm getting my babysitting certificate next weekend. But now I wonder if I'm even ready to start babysitting other peoples kids. Then again, babysitting your sisters is different than babysitting random kids, right? I guess I'll find out soon enough. I really hope I'll do good and earn some money through babysitting. I'm not one to like asking for stuff. I think getting my own money would be good for me. I'd feel more independent. 

    I've been talking with Shahaddah lately. I don't think I've told you about her before. I met her a while ago but we never really kept in touch, just simple greetings. You'd expect for since we see each other twice every weekend. Anyway, I got her email and we've been chatting on and off for a while. Maybe we can do something together.

     I'm hoping Z will talk with me more. Last weekend she didn't have her "Clique" with her so we talked a tiny bit. Normally we never talk to each other. Even though she's my step sister, we barley talk. I still love her like blood though.

    Wall-e, my oldest step sister is a whole different story. She can annoy me at times, but for the most part she's pretty cool. She bought me some accessories online which was totally cool of her. It's funny cause when she sleeps over we normally sleep in the same room so she isn't stuck with a bunch of little kids. She fell asleep and when i looked at her she just look so peaceful. I had took a blanket and laid it over her. I'm not sure how to explain it. But I just had this moment where I would give my life to save her. It was really weird but I can never quiet get that memory out of my head. 

    It's way past my bed time so i'm gonna hit the hay.

Later- Zahabia

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