December 11, 2015

16 2 0

Dear Journal, 

                         I've read a lot of thing pertaining to Salat. Specifically that it can be difficult for some people. I here about multiple people struggling to make Fajr (morning prayer) because it's so early. Or accidentally forgetting to make Isha (night prayer) because it's so late. I have to opposite problem. 

                          I love praying Fajr because everything is so quiet, plus it signals the start of a new day. Magrib ( sunset prayer) is by far the best one of them all. It signals the end of a hard day and the time where I can relax and have a bit of time to myself. Isha signals the remembrance of your lord before you go to sleep. 

                          Sadly, I struggle with Dhur (afternoon prayer) and Asr (evening prayer). During the day, time always seem to pass me by. I constantly have to scold myself for being late for prayer. I hate that I can't be on time. Inshallah (if god wills) I will get better.

Until Next Time,


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