October 9, 2015

20 2 0

Dear Journal,

                         Life been pretty good. Talking with friends, going though school, the usual stuff. I've got all A's and B's except in Biology. I suck at it. At least I have a C+. Then again I'm hoping to raise it, seeing as it's only the second month of the school year. I need to get all A's and B's if I want to get a scholarship to college.  My family isn't rich so I really need to excellent grades in all subject for every year of high school. Inshallah(if God wills)  Allah(God) will grant me the ability to fulfill the goals I have set.  

          Life with five sisters is still scraping rock bottom. Sometimes we'll be okay, and two seconds later everything is a mess. Mostly over petty things. Like if I tell them to do something I'm being bossy. Or they just ignore as if I don't exist. I'm not sure why telling Aabidah that it was her turn to do dishes or to complete her math test was wrong. She's been acting weird lately. More grumpy than usual, and not the cute grumpy.

   Hafsah and Saaliah are arguing as usual. It's becoming to norm around here. Not less irritated unfortunately. Despite the fact that they annoy me at times, I love kids. I just love interacting with them. When I get a job permit in one more year, I'm going to take a babysitting job. 

         When I was at the Masjid (place of worship) I helped keep some of the little kids occupied while the talk was going on. We played Zoom Zoom Zoom, Blue Fish, and Red Light Green Light. It really hit me when I was playing Red Light Green Light. What hit me, you may ask.  Well you see, I sat on the flour and motioned them to come towards me then I held up my hand so they would stop. Which they didn't, the kinda just paused.  Then again, what can you expect from kids two to five years old. Instead of touching me, since two of them were boys, they got the idea to tackle me to the ground. Three of the five kids kept tackling me all a once.

      When they pushed me to the ground, I had the sudden urge to make sure nothing happened to them. I made sure they wouldn't fall on each other before letting them push me down. Then we just laid there with them on top of me, laughing. I felt, satisfied. Them laughing like that made me happy. I don't know, being there with them just felt...right. 

     I realized that it's what I want to do with my future. Become a published writer, and to work with deaf kids. I almost feel like a piece of the puzzle to who I am was just solved. Is the weird? Oh well, good night. 



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