August 23, 2015

31 3 3

Dear Journal,

            I know I haven't wrote in a while. But now I have a ton of things to tell you. I guess I should tell you in the order of which they happened. Get ready cause I have a lot to tell you. Like so much it'll blow your mind. know what, I'm going to stop talking. Err...writing rather, and just tell you what happened.

          Okay so earlier this week was a bit rough. I cried, twice. You know how much I hate crying. I was rude to my sister because she was being annoying. So then Ummi got mad at me and said I had to go to bed right then and she didn't want to see me for the rest of the night. There's only one reason I cry. And that's when Ummi is upset with me. So after I shut my self in my room and started, well, singing. 

         Whenever I'm upset or mad I end up singing. I also do it to pass time while I clean. So anyway I started singing this song about sibling and how annoying they are. Then I started a whole new song about having to be the example. Somewhere in  between I said I felt alone except for Allah and some other stuff.  Don't judge I was upset. 

       So after that little episode a went to bed and everything was fine. Woke up, got dress. Plus I got this really cool Spurs cap. The brim is pink and the top part is black. It's got a few paint splatters on it but I think it looks cool. I also spent some time getting ready for school, which is tomorrow. Hold up, I didn't tell you what else went down. 

       Okay, so we where cleaning on Thursday and Friday because an inspector was coming. When I say cleaning I mean deep cleaning. Scrub the walls, sweep and mop every floor. Pull out the oven and the fridge. The whole nine. SO after two days of cleaning. We put our stuff on and wait for the guy to come. We call our over-garments and hijabs "stuff". Don't ask me why, we just do. Anyway, he was supposed to be there at 1:00pm right? So we wait, with our stuff on, hot as heck until 1:50pm and he still doesn't show up. 

     Then at 2:00pm he calls Ummi and says he was here at 1:00pm and sat out front waiting until 1:15. First of all, Ummi was sitting at the window waiting at the time. Third of all like she called you twice and left a voice mail. Your waiting for someone to come home, you don't think to call her? You know we had an appointment. 

      So then after everything, he says he can't do it today. Then he says someone might come on Monday but it won't be him. Like that's supposed to make us feel better after all the cleaning we just did. Qadr of Allah masha fa'alac. Insha Allah someone will come on tomorrow. Salams. 

- Zahabia

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