Chapter 2

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Y/n pov:

The women's eyes open and a smile formed on her face "m/n?"

My mother bit her finger "What's wrong?"

"it's so good to see you" she said still with a smile on her face. She sat up and looked at me" is that your child? "

my mother nodded

"The last time I saw you, you were still pregnant"

"I'll tell you everything, just tell me what's wrong" my mother went to sit behind her

"My hearts failing"

my mother applied some blood on her arm and started healing her arm

"but why her arm?" I ask

my mother looks at the two children

"it's fine you can say it" the lady spoke

"in the l/n  having this power of ours comes with big consequences. Being  able to use blood like we can puts a lot of strain on our body that's why when we use to much our body needs to get use of the amount we use. Now usually the branch family, since they used more blood back then when they needed to protect us, the main family needed to help  heal all damage that was done-"

"But not all the branch family members. Only about 0.1% were born where they had a condition where even using a bit of blood caused problems, and I unfortunately l was born with that and since there weren't any main family members my condition has worsen" the lady said.

"When the l/n were attacked we were here at the grass. I brought my kid here to protect her and just when I was heading towards the l/n masked ninja were attacking me. Their blades were stained with blood and somehow i knew everyone was dead and never returned back to the main estate. I'm so sorry" tears formed in her eyes

"I wasn't even there. I left that day to go to the leaf since I was going to have y/n any minute. Just as we arrived I saw all the branch family members leave and the next day when I went back everyone was dead. And the one behind it was my husband. He wasn't even l/n, he lied"

"I'm sorry" the lady said

"no I should apologize I thought everyone was dead and didn't even search to see if someone was still alive, if I had I could have saved you"

She placed her hand on my mothers "it can't be helped I was born with this"

"Can't you safe her?" I asked and Izanami nodded no

"if the heart has problems we can't be healed" She said "it's very rare for l/n to get heart problems but since I have
that condition..."

"it makes everything harder" I said and she nodded

For about 2 hours my mother and I would make turns healing her and my mother told her everything that has happened

"Thank you m/n and y/n I don't feel as much pain anymore"  her eyes started closing

"please take care of them"

my mother nodded and izanami looked at her children

"you behave and listen to aunt m/n, she'll help you"

The boy and girl gave izanami a hug

"I love you Izumi and namiko"

"always and forever" they said as they hugged her. After that we made a grave for Izanami

"She didn't feel any pain right?" Izumi asked, the girl around my age

"no" my mother said as she placed her hands on both of them "I know this is hard but we need to leave here"

They nodded "it's okay" namiko said (the small boy)

We turn around and I took a step back, my mother doing the same hiding izumi and namiko behind her

3 unknown people with bandages around their necks land infront of us and seconds later mitsuki lands as well

"Mitsuki? " I look at him and the other 3 people  "who are they?" I look at him again and see somethings missing "and where's your headband"

"is this that l/n you were talking about" one with long black hair asked "is she the only one?"

Before I could answer Mitsuki did "Yes"

my eyes widend and I look at my mother and nod no

"pretty" the girl said

"Okay you have 2 choices, either  you come with us of your own free will or we'll take you with force and kill those behind you"

I turn to look at my mother "they don't know you're l/n, mitsuki knows you're a l/n so why he said I'm the only one means he is up to something" I whisper  "take izumi and namiko back to the village and tell Lord seventh that I went with them"

My mother nods "if anything happens talk to the ancestors, they'll tell me and i will come rescue you"

I thank my mother and gave her a hug

"Fine let's go" I turn to look at them. They put chains on my hands and we left

"so I assume these chains prevent me from using Chakra"

"That's correct" The one with the bowl cut said

I sigh and look at Mitsuki, he kept his eyes on the road infront of us not saying anything

"I'll be taking that" The guy with the long hair said as he removed my  headband.

Mitsuki hasen't even looked at me once since they took me. We took a small break and I walk towards Mitsuki

"Why are you doing this?"

He didn't answer

"You know my mother so why say I'm the only l/n" I look around to
make sure no one was listening "you lied, and that could only mean you're doing this for a reason. If you really betrayed the leaf and joined the enemy you would want all the I/n you can get"

He still didn't say anything, he just looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"There's only one reason I agreed to come with you it's because Boruto
would want me to keep an eye,and besides we both know my mother and I could have taken you down back there."

He looked at me with a stoic face "I did this on my free will, just like you"

He walked away but I  grabbed his shoulder turning him around with force

"You don't mean that, you wouldn't just leave everything behind!"

"you don't know anything!" he pulled away. The one with the bowl cut pushed me away from mitsuki

"Watch what you're doing" he said as he formed clay worms in his hands

"Sekiei dont" The guy with long hair said "She's a l/n, who knows what she can do"

" but kokuyou ..."

"but nothing" the one known as Kokuyou said and sekiei stopped forming clay

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Where stories live. Discover now