Chapter 11

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y/n pov:

For the past week I have been training non-stop. I have tried talking to Boruto but he went to the land of wind and when he returned I haven't seen him. I'm still gonna try and talk to him when I see him. After training, Hiroaki went home and I walked around. Turning a corner I hear Boruto, and asmile formed my face. As I followed his voice I saw him with Hinata, Hima and Naruto and I stop

'I'll talk to him another time he's finally getting some time to spend with Naruto'

I turn around and decided to go home
"you're back mother" I said, looks like my mother is finally back "did you get the l/n?"

my mom nodded and looked towards the lounge where I see a middle age woman "Her name is mieko and she is 39 years old and she is part of the brach family, it did take quiet a while to get her"

I watch Mieko as she played with namiko

"she is blind so it took a while to convince her but she sensed I was an Arcane so if it werent for that it would have taken longer"

"Another Arcane entered" She turns to look in my direction

"Yes, I'm y/n daughter of the one who come to get you, m/n"

"Come here child", I walk towards and then went on my knees. She put her hand on my face and started touching it

"Sorry I just want to get an idea of what you look like. What's your eye colour , hair colour, skin colour and how old are you"

"e/c eyes, h|c hair, s/c skin and I'm
13 turning 14" I decribed everything she askes

''Thank you" She stopped touching "It's nice meeting you"

"it's great meeting you aswell" I stood up" if you'll please excuse me I need to go talk to Hiroaki" I turn towards my mother "I haven't talk to the ancestor. I'm first gonna teach Hiroaki how to connect to them"

I go the Hiroaki's room and knock "Come in" I enter and close the door

"ready to learn how to come in contact with the ancestors"

He nodded and we started, unfortunately this took him 2 days learn

"Sorry it took so long" he apologized


He nodded

We enter and I see all the ancestors

"y/n thought you might have been avoiding us" Nathan was the first to talk

"No never I want to see everyone, I may have been avoiding you" it was silent but we both started laughed

"Good to see you're well, but we have some serious things we have to talk about" He turned serious " Remember when you asked your mother if  you have to marry a l/n, you have to."

Boruto pov:

I was laying on the bed and not gonna lie I'm missing y/n. I haven't talked to her since I left the pond, I mean I have been busy but I'm gonna talk to her. I straightend and look at the door. I'm gonna talk to her tonight. I left my house and was gonna go to hers. While walking I see her making her way towards me but her head is lowered

"Y/n!" I shouted runnings towardsher. When I was close and she looked at me I saw tears in her eyes"What's wrong?"

"Boruto..." she whispered as she gave me a hug "We need to talk" I agreed and we went somewhere private, we went to Senju Park. We sat down on a bench

"Boruto" we said at the same time

"you can go first " I said

"I had a talk with my ancestors" She sighed "but before I start let me tell you how it started. So about a month ago, before I went to the sand with
Mitsuki, I asked my mother something. I asked if I would need to marry a l/n"

I don't like how this is starting

"because we apparently needed to marry a l/n to keep the bloodline pure, of course we dont marry cousins we'll marry whoever isnt your sister or brothers child, but when my mother married
my father he wasn't a real l/n meaning I am not a pure l/n. So tonight with the ancestors they said
I have msrryw a I/n but I was confused because when I asked my mothers if I needed to marry a l/n she said no its not necessary. So then the ancestors, said I'm not a pure so marrying someone that's not a l/n is unexceptional then they started talking about back in the day it was forbidden to date someone that's not a I/n and then they started talking
about us dating -"

"So they want us to break up?" I really dont like this

" Yeah but-"

"That makes sense now, that's
why you have been hanging around hiroaki so much" I started getting upset

"no Boruto that's not it"

"It is, why haven't you told me?" I turn to look at her

"Boruto you're not listening to what I'm saying!" She shouted

"No I'm listening I just don't know why have been leading me on for weeks!" I stood

"Weeks? Leading you on? What does that mean? I only talked to them-"

"y/n please, just don't" I felt tears forming in my eyes

"No boruto please you're misunderstanding" She also stood up grabbing both my arms

"I can't believe this" I scoff

"Boruto please let me finish" She had tears in her eyes again.

The reason I'm getting so upset is because I don't want to loose her. What if the world comes to an end tomorrow, I don't want to watch the world end with someone else, I want to watch it with her. I want to stay with her. I don't want to lose it all in a blink of on eye. I blinked as I looked at her and tears slip down my cheek. Someone cleared their throat

"Sorry but Lord Hokage wants to see you y/n" The jounin said and y/n let go of my of my arms

"Please let's finish this conversation" she disappeared with the Jounin and I fell to my knees

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