Chapter 14

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Y/n pov

we left the house and Naruto showed us around. I am pretty tired because I kept having nightmares last night and I woke up a few times but Boruto's hand was on my sleeping bag so it gave me some comfort. A boy was now standing infront of us with his hands on his waist, apparently he is naruto's rival

"I'm the grandson of the Third Hokage. The future Hokage, Konohamaru Saratobi"

' konohamraru-sensei!' I look at the boy, shocked, Boruto was also suprised by it. Konohamaru challenged Naruto. I thought I was gonna be something huge but in the end they both did a sexy jutsu

"I didn't train enough" younger Konohamaru fell to the ground on his knees
'you train? how do you train?'

"You're still so naive" Naruto said in a girls voice "This guy has a pretty good Sexy jutsu too." Naruto pointed towards Boruto

"Yeah- " Boruto was going to start doing the hand signs but I put my hands on his and nodded no gesturing towards a very angry sakura making her way towards us

"You idiot "Sakura punched naruto. She must have really packed a punch because the jutsu was undone and Naruto was laying on the floor and Sakura grabbed him by his collar "What the hell do you think you're doing, first thing in the morning!" Sakura shook him back and forth not really happy with what he has done

"Thank you" Boruto whispered. I realised my hand has been on his the whole time

"yeah n-no problem" I stuttered as I removed my hand. What the? Why am I stuttering? I see sakura was Still busy with Narut, she even scared away Konohamaru

"S-Sakura, please calm down" a Soft voice said

"Seriously, if you would stop acting like an idiot. Right, Hinata?" Sakura let go of Naruto

'Hinata?' I look at the one Sakura Called Hinata 'She's really shy and did change'
Boruto covered his face

"watching them is sorta embarrasing" he whispered under his breath, I couldn't help but giggle

"you guys, what are you doing around here?"

"Hey neji!!" Naruto waved. I turn around, I have never seen him before but I think Boruto has by the look on his face

"Who are you?" The one known as neji asked

"ooh we're-" Boruto said but naruto chimmed in

"They're street performers and guess what, she has an act where she can guess
people's name"

Neji looked skeptical but before he said something someone called him "okay if she can do that, what's his name?" Neji pointed towards a guy

"mm let me see" I close my eyes making it seem like I'm trying to think of his name, but I know who that is "His name... Rock Lee" Once I said that that Naruto got all excited

"See what did I Say"

I look at Lee but something behind him caught my eye. I've seen that person in the ancestor room. I lower my head and try to hide my presence but they're looking for something or someone. I don't focus what's happening around me, all I'm trying to do now is blend in. I can't just walk away here otherwise they might find it suspicious. They turn their attention towards us and scan our group. Boruto grabbed my hand

"Come we're going" I felt relieved , if we stayed there another Second they would have found me, this sucks. "You looked concerned back there, everything okay?"

"Yeah it's just the I/n can sense me" I turn to see if that person might be following us

"That's bad" Boruto stated. We came to a holt in front of a bath house and entered. Everyone was there waiting

"I see everyone is here. I've been assigned to coordinate the special orders, though its a total drag" That's Shikadai's dad "huh are you two the observers Naruto mentioned"

"Yeah" We both answered. Shikadai's dad,Shikamaru, then explain why we were here. We have to clean this place. Apparently an acquaintance of Lady tsunade had connections to the bathhouse. The girls were then making their way towards the Girls part of the bathhouse.

Boruto grabbed my wrist "please don't get hurt any further" he looked at my leg

"I won't" I smiled and continued walking

" so what's your name" inojin mother said as soon as we entered the woman's bathhouse

"oh it's y/n"

"well I am-"

"that won't be necessary ino she can get people's names" Sakura grab the mop

"yeah but sometimes it creeps people out so please don't let me stop you"everyone then introduce themselves while they grabbed cleaning supplies. I was going to grab something but Sakura stopped me

"no please we will take care of this don't want you to get hurt any further" she said as she smirked after the last part causing me to turn red. I took a seat and watch them feeling horrible, a loud noise then came from the boys side

"huh!" They stop cleaning "boruto duck!" Naruto shouted. I shook my head

'that boruto'

It then went quiet "y/n?" Sakura stopped in front of me and rested her chin on the top of the mop in her hand "you and boruto, you're street travelers together right? Is there more to it than that"

" yeah were dating, but things aren't so great...we had a fight"

"ooh really? I knew there was something between you two" Sakura said

" yeah me too I think it's the way he looked at her" ino also stood there next to sakura

" it doesn't look like you had a fight " tenten was also standing in front of me

"yeah, we haven't really talked about it we didn't even finish the fight I was called to do... and act" I lied about the act part "and there's more truth to what fought about" a tear slipped down my face "sorry" I laughed as I wiped it away. I see all three of them sniffing
"what's wrong? " I stood up

" it's just you to have this connection even though you had a fight, what if it ends because of that act" ino grabbed my hands

"g-guys" Hinata appeared next to us "let's give her some space"

"Right" ino let go and they all took a step back. They finished cleaning and talking to them has been a big relief

"looks like we're finished before the boys" ino said as we went to go wait outside

"they were probably messing around " tenten crossed her arms

"here t-they come"Hinata said in her usual soft voice. Once they were here neji, lee, tenten and hinata said goodbye.

"The special order was just to clean up after your mess?" Kiba didn't sound impressed at all

"I told you it was pervy sages fault" Naruto said as an irk Mark appeared. I was walking in front of everyone and couldn't help but smile. Back at the future Village I'm not as close with the others like boruto is, so even hanging out like this is really great. We all headed our separate ways. We had ramen again and I drank my pills and went straight to bed. The next morning we met with sasuke

"It's my job to keep an eye on you two" naruto kept scolding sasuke

"yeah I'm sorry " sasuke apologized one second and the next he looked concerned

"well now... my plans really went off track"

That voice

"i guess I'll have to hunt down the annoying insects"

Urashiki was right above us. He had a huge grin on his face "I knew it, you got here before me. You get in my way every single time" he said

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Where stories live. Discover now