Chapter 22

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Y/n pov:

Flash back

"The thing we wanted to talk about was Boruto and marriage" Nate said

"Marriage? Am I not to young to be thinking about this"

"No" Nate shook his head "it's best we talk about it right nowl"


"Usually a member of our clan wouldn't need to marry someone that isn't a l/n, since the marrying rule changed over the years, but you have to. Unfortunately you don't really have any say in this since you're only a half l/n so you can't decide who you want to marry you will have to marry a member of our clan to keep the bloodline strong" Nate said

"I'm too young for marriage so why are we talking about this?"

"Because also back in the day you weren't allowed to date someone that wasn't from our clan" Nate walked towards me

"So you want me and Boruto to break up?" I asked confused

"Yes if we're gonna get things back to the way they were we need to follow the rules" Nate stopped infront of me "and if you can't follow the rules of our clan you can't be apart of the clan" he said in a stern voice

"I don't get and I'm not gonna break up with Boruto because of some dumb rule. I asked my my mother if it would be necessary for me to marry a memener of our clan and she said no, so only her opinion counts... sorry yours doesn't. You might be my ancestors but you can't decide how I live my life I can date whoever I want and I can marry whoever I want"

"It doesn't work like that!" Nate shouted "you WILL marry someone from our clan and that person will be...hiroaki"

I was to stunned to speak before I could say anything a womens voice interrupted

"She can't" the lady made her way through the crowd of ancestors, I have seen her before, it's my Aunt Hana (my mothers sister)

"Hiroaki is my son and if we're really going to follow the rules then she can't because of 2 reason 1. you can't marry you sister of brother's children and the other is" aunt Hana stopped as she took a deep breath "2. is he isn't a pure l/n"

"What?!" Nate turned his head towards Hana

"I had hiroaki at 17 and my father would have disowned me if he found out not only because of having him at that age but also because the father wasn't a l/n. So I sent Hiroaki to the stone, where his father was, but once I wanted to see him the father refused so I never really got to see him. I didn't know it was him until you said his name" aunt Hana said and I turn to look at hiroaki and he was shocked

"Fine this doesn't change anything, there are still l/n to find and you will still marry someone if you find a l/n, or you will face the consequences" Nate turned his attention towards me and Hiroaki "same goes for you" he looked at hiroaki and hiroaki dropped his head

"And what are those consequences?" I asked walking closer towards Nate

"Either you choose to follow our rules or continue dating Boruto and leave the clan, meaning you won't be part of us"

Now I was stunned, for a few second I went quiet

I don't like this but I have made a decision

"I'm picking Boruto"

This time it was Nate that was surprised "I might not know how things will turn in the future but this isn't like the old clan, things have changed"

"You're making a big a mistake" Nate gritted his teeth "how do you know things will work out between you and Boruto"

"I don't know, but it's worth the risk" I said

Nate than grabbed me by my shirt "you're picking a stupid boy over your own clan! Do you know how much you're loosing right now"

"I'm not loosing anything" I pushed his hand of my shirt "you're the one losing your arcane and child of prophecy, you should have thought about that before making me choose"

That was the last I said before leaving the room of the ancestors and was back in Hiroaki's room

I felt something wet on my face and tears fell from my face.

*end of flashback*

I felt relieved after talking to Boruto. I enter the house and the lights were off except in the living room

"Y/n" mieko'e voice came from the living room. I walk towards her "did you tell him"

"Yeah" I said taking a seat "mieko?"

The turned to look at me "yeah?"

"what happened to hideki and your daughter?"

"The day the l/n were attacked every branch family member was called to go protect the main, even I was called. I managed to survive the attack" she pointed to her eyes "but it caused me to be blind. Somehow I found my way back to the leaf and also my home but he was gone. For years I searched for him, but turns out the day I was called to the main he followed and tried to protect me but ended up getting killed" she sighed

"Ooh I'm sorry"

"And my daughter, I don't know where she is. I also searched for her but nothing. She was still young when I had to leave so I don't really know what could have happened" she shook her head "I was still searching for her till your mother came and found me"

"I'll find her" I said as ai stood up

"Her name is kimiko" mieko said

"Goodnight" I said and went upstairs. Walking past hiroaki's room I hear him talking

"I can't" he whispered, the door was a bit open so I looked through. I see him sitting on the bed his head buried in his hands

"Hiroaki?" I open the door and looked at me

"Y/n..." he said but then dropped his head

"What's the matter?" I asked taking a seat next to him

"The ancestors...they want me to cut ties with you"

Before he could say anything else I close my eyes and open them, this time in the ancestors room

"Made up your mind?" Nate asked

"Why are you making hiroaki cut ties with me?"

"Ooh because you're not a part of this clan anymore" Nate said just standing there, the rest of the l/n behind him turning all there attention towards us

(There are 2 room the arcane room, where all the arcane are, and the other where all the previous l/n are)

"This is unnecessary, are you serious?"

He nodded and I scoffed

"Okay then since I'm not part of this clan quess I can give this power away, this power you're always trying to protect"

"Don't you dare" Nate took a step forward

"Try me" I said "I'm not apart of this clan anymore so that means I can do whatever I want to with the Arcane's power, ooh and let's not forget the power I have because I'm the child of prophecy. How about I use the power and not leave any for the future generations"

"You won't!"

"Of course I won't!" I shouted "because even though I am not a part of this clan, I know how much this power means to the l/n, and I'm a decent human being I wont give up something that's precious to you. You... I can't say the same about, you're making me give up something precious, and now you even want hiroaki to cut ties with his own niece"

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Where stories live. Discover now