Chapter 9

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Y/n pov :

I turn around and saw team 7,Wasabi, Sumire, Namida and Konohamaru sensej

"Boruto?" I rushed towards him hugging him but he winced "So you did get hurt?"

My mother told everyone to take a seat

"y/n since you're here will you help heal them?"

I nodded and went to Boruto first
"are your injuries serious?" I start healing him "Why didn't you
tell me you were going on a mission"

"Were you worried?"

Before I could say anything Izumi did
"Yeah, she would look for you and come home and sit on the couch the whole day"

He looked at me and I wish I could cover my face

"Sorry. It was a last minute thing and  I thought someone would have told you"

I look at him my face still red " I'm  just glad you're okay"

After healing everyone they left and Boruto waited for me outside

"come let's go to Thunder burger" he grabbed my hand and interwined
it with his. We walk to Thunder burger hand in hand as he told me about what happened at the mission

''I'm really sorry I didn't tell you"

"it's fine. I did think you were on a mission but I couldn't help but worry, you know." I shyly admit

"Well I'm back now" he put his hand on mine he quickly pulled away his ears tunning red "ooh look here's the food"

I couldn't help but smile. He told me more about his mission and after we ate he took me home since it was getting dark

"Thank you for bringing me home and thank you for the food" I kissed him on the cheek

"gooodnight y/n" this time he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled before
turning around

"Goodnight Boruto"

When I enter I See my mom

"I'll be gone for a few days even weeks?"

"Why?" I close the door

"Another I/n. I'm leaving tomorrow, Izumi and Namiko are coming with  along that way I'll be able to help izumi train"

I nod . I can't leave the village so I'm stuck here for another 3 weeks

"Hiroaki will help you train. So if you want to train ask him"

I said goodnight and wished my mother luck on her travel

The next day I asked Hiroaki if he'll help train me till my mother comes back and he agreed.

We were on our way to go train and I saw Boruto

"good moring y/n "He smiled but frowned as he looked at Hiroaki I don't think he likes Hiroaki a lot
"Hiroaki" he greeted him "Y/n want to go watch a movie"

"Boruto you know I'd love to but we we're on our way to train, sorry"

He nodded "no it's fine we'll reschudule and besides you need to
train other wise I'll become stronger then you"

I scoffed  "As if" We both smiled and then headed our different ways

first I had to tell him which l/n techniques I could do and after  that he said a few  thing.

"in the l/n if you're afraid of a technique you won't be able to use it, so is there one you dont like or you're  afraid of?"

"yeah blood boiling" i answered with no hesitation. He nodded

"okay next there are many difficult techniques and you'll also need to be really good at water style, are you?"

"Yeah kinda"

"ok. Let's start, back at the stone you said something about being the child of prophecy and an Arcane. Do you know what that means" he looks at me

"Yes about a 100 years ago the Otsutsuki and l/n were close clans and were used to make the Otsutsuki stronger but we betrayed them. When we betrayed them we stole some of their chakra and have been passing it down, in 2 people people, the Arcane.  As for the child of prophecy, when we stole their power, Hagoroma the child of Kaguya, made us a deal and he also blessed us with a child of prophecy so that when the Otsutsuki attacked us we'll have a fighting chance. The child of prophecy  would talk to the man on the moon Tonoheri decedendent of Hamura the twin of Hagoroma and would be seen as a blessing from nature. The child would then have a lot more power then an arcane but because the child was only given to the l/n back then because we betrayed the Otsutsuki and needed an upper hand they decided to seal half of that power and then again in a 100 years the power would go to the child  the man in the moon talks to"

"good you know and so do I know. I might have been taught l/n techniques  back at the Stone but I have never learnt all that and no-one told me" he dropped his head

"can you talk to the ancestors?"

He looked at me confused

"till after you train me and my mothers return, we'll go see the ancestors together. I won't see them until you learn how to communicate with them"

He agreed "So first move is blood manipulation, almost like forming your blood into an object but more extreme and more used for internal uses. With Blood Manipulation you can control temperature and then use it to give yourself more energy to increase your physical capabilities"

'I'm confused' i thought

"like this" He closed his eyes and started running around in a big circle

"What are you doing"

"usually if  you run to long you'll get tired or even when you fight but with blood manipulation you don't easily get exhausted"

"it's been about an hour already, want to stop running" I ask

"i can stil continue but you get the point" he stopped he, didn't even sound like he needed to catch his breath "to increase your physical capabilities and to get the blood Manipulation right you need to use your blood but if you can't use blood you can't do this. It means if you can't understand how your blood works and not afraid to use it for this technique then you'll be fine, but it does have its weakness. Do you know that if you use more blood then you're use to your body has to get use to the change, now if you can't use to much blood then you won't be able to use this technique long"

'Huh I am so confused but I won't admit it aloud' 

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن