Chapter 8

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yln pov:

"Today's the day of our new holiday Parent and child day. Have a great a time everyone ya know!'"

We were sitting in the living room just finished watching Naruto announce a new holiday

"Okay I'm heading out, I'll be back by tomorrow" My mother put on her headband. She has a mission today, lucky. She looked at me before looking at Hiroaki, Izumi and namiko and I nodded.

Once she left I stood up

"Okay get ready, we're leaving"

"Where are we going?" Namiko grabbed my hand

"it's family day, and were ARE family" I smiled. Everyone got ready and we
left. I had namiko on my back as we walked and looked at all the different things

"Izumi what are some things you like?"

She looked embarresed as she turned her head away "I don't like anything in particular but I've always wanted to try a snow cone"

"Well then let's go search a snow cone stand, or something" I started walking, Izumi  getting excited "Come Hiroaki!" I scenced he was falling behind but he caught up

We luckily found snow cones and bought for all of us

"Brain freeze" Izumi and I said simultaneously  causing us to laugh

"Anything you like?" I turn to Hiroaki

"I saw there was an eating contest we can go try that" he suggested. I nod and went there

"Hey Cho-cho" I saw her standing there "hi inojin, Metal and Shikidai"

"y/n? Hitoaki? Are you guys here for the contest" I already introduced everyone to Miroaki and they all seem to like him, especially cho-cho

"Yeah we're gonna try." I laugh nervously. Everyone started getting ready. I put Namiko down next to Izumi and they wished us good luck

"It's finally time for the Hidden Leaf village's Eating contest. The battle will begin in just a few moments"

We both took a seat. I scanned through the crowd and saw Boruto. He looked at me with a small smile and I waved. He see Hiroaki and frowned but I  just think he shrugged it off

"without further ado, here's today first dish"

They put down a big bowl of ramen infront of me and my eyes widend "We're suppose to eat that?"

Hiroaki smiled "No were just gonna look at it"

I roll my eyes "funny"

"From ichiraku Ramen, a super sized bowl of their ramen with an extra
helping of their extra thick pork slices!"

Metal already threw up causing me to feel noxious. We began eating and not even halfway done cho-chó and her dad were finished, how!?

When the round ended we did not make it to the next round. Hiroaki was done eating but I just couldn't finish

"Sorry "I apologized

" it was a big bowl of food. I don't know how I finished" he patted his stomach

Izumi and Namiko were waiting for us "'Well done" Izumi said
"I Wouldn't have been able to do that."

Namiko walked towards putting his arm up. I pick and my stomach felt
weird, too much food.  We continued going to a lot of stalls that were there and as the sunset we enter the house  putting down all the thing we bought/won

I sat down and sigh

"Anyone hungry" Izumi shouted from the kitchen

"No!" I shouted "I mean I still stuffed from the eating contest" everyone started laughing

The next day I go downstairs and see my mom


"Good Morning how was it yesterday" My mother looked at all the things in
the kitchen "Sorry I couldn't be here"

" it was great and I understand you had a mission"

I told her everything we did and after that I got ready. I wanted to
go see Boruto. I started searching but I didn't see him anywhere

I search every spot where I thought  he would be but he wasn't. I go to thunder burger but he wasn't there. I got hungry and decided to quickly eat something and then look for him, but nowhere

'Maybe he has a mission, but he would have told me'

I didn't sense him in the village at all. He must be on a mission I remind myself but even if he is I'm still getting worried

The next day I looked for him again but nothing. He must be on a mission I kept reminding myself

The next 2 days I would still search but gave up

'He's on mission' I thought 'But what if something bad happened' I sat in lounge tapping my foot

"Y/n? You okay?" Izumi waved her hand infront of my face snapping me
out of my thoughts


"Are you okay?" She repeated and I nodded

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"you looked worried" She sat down

"I am" I admitted ''About Boruto"

"ooh, I'm sure he is just fine. How about tomorrow we go grocery shopping to take your mind of it, and the house does kinda need food"

I smile and nodded. So the next day we went to do some grocerry shopping. While shopping I stopped and felt a small sharp pain in my heart. I was confused but didn't think much about  it and continue, but it happened again but this time there was ringing in my hear

'What's happening?'

After we did the shopping we took things home

"I'm going to hospital" I put down the bags, my mom is helping at the hospital today so I'm going to ask her what's happening

"we'll go with you." She said and Namiko did a small nod. We head
towards the hospital and asked where my mother was, they gave us directions

"Mom?"I knock on the closed door and open it seeing my mom fixing the room

"y/n? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to ask you something" I look at her then the room "Why are you fixing the room?"

"ooh Shinobi that were on a mission are coming here some of them need treatment and one needs to rest" my mother walked towards me "So what do you wanna ask?"

"Well first it was like a small sharp pain in my heart but it stopped or I thought so but I happened again but with a ringing noise in my ear. So I was wondering if it meant anythin?"

My mother thought for a second "Well it could only be normal and have no meaning or usually when someone we l/n care about someone deeply and they get get injured then we get this feeling and hear a ringing noise in our ear"

"So if someone I care for got
injured?" I ask and my mother nodded. We heard a knock on the door

"Come in" my mother annouched. I didn't even realise someone was at the door

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Where stories live. Discover now