Chapter 21

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Boruto pov:

"The  night...we fought" Y/n said "I told you my clan had this rule about not dating or marrying someone that is not a l/n and then told me we should break up, I guess it's time I told you what also happened. When Hiroaki and I were training I said I wouldn't go talk to the ancestor because he hasn't learned how to come into contact with them, so when my mom came back I taught him how to come into contact with them. So that night we had out fight was the first time I had talked to the ancestor in twee weeks" she closed her eyes taking a deep breath

"Once we were there they started talking about the rule, and yes they have a huge problem with us dating and they wanted me to start dating Hiroaki even marry him in the future, since he was the only l/n (that is a boy and around my age) we had found. So I made them angry by refusing what they told me to do. They then started talking about me being apart of the l/n clean which means that I can't refuse the rules of the clan and if I don't want to follow the rules then I can't be apart of then clan anymore. Honestly I was furious, I told them it's my life and I can do what I want and like who I want to, and even though I am not a pure l/n (because of my father not being a l/n) I didn't really care. My mother didn't have a problem with me dating or marrying someone who isn't a l/n so their opinions didn't matter"

Y/n turned to look at me " the reason I hung out with Hiroaki so much is because we trained...I didn't realise it bothered you so much and to be clear the whole me having to marry Hiroaki I won't. The whole marrying someone that is a l/n only applies when they aren't family related. What I mean by that is that they can't be your aunt or uncles child, (so it can't be your mother or fathers siblings child, so if it's your neighbour it's fine, does that make sense) and that night my aunt Hana was against that because hiroaki is her son and Aunt Hana is my mothers sister so I can't marry him and that even made the ancestor even more angry" she scoffed "finally they gave me a choice, I either pick you or them"

It's the same as what happened with Hideki and mieko, wait is she-?

"And I chose you" she said as she lifts her head locking eyes with me "I might not know what the future holds for us, if we will still  be dating in a couple of years but I'll take the risk. I would feel better knowing I took the risk of dating you and loosing my clan than rather have chosen my clan and lost you and have wondered what if I chose him. I could always find a way to fix things with my clan, I mean I am the arcane and child of prophecy but I would have never found a way to fix things if we ended it the other night and if I had chosen my clan. My clan is pissed" she laughed "because I'm doing exactly the same as Mieko and the same as my mother for choosing my father over their clan, which led to their downfall. I'm choosing you over my clan but this time it's different, you accepted me from the beginning even though we were total strangers where my own clan didn't even accept me until I proved myself worthy"

Y/n then stopped talking and I took a step forward wrapping my arms around her, tears streaming down my face

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry. I should have let you finished telling the whole story that night but I was afraid of what you would have said and chosen" I pulled away "we might be young and not know what we're doing or what we're feeling but what I am feeling for you isn't something a person should be feeling for someone they have only dated for a month, its more. And your right we might not know what the future holds for us but I am happy now, here in the present time, and no matter what obstacles we face in the future we'll face them together"

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