Chapter 4

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Y/n pov:

I have been healing him for a few hours but not much happened

"is it working?" Mitsuki asked

"it's complicated"

"Are you okay?" Mistsuki knelt down infront of Sekiei

"Mitsuki, did I scare you?

"I thought you weren't going to wake up" mistuki looked at Sekiei

"Our bodies are like those Akuta, we're imperfect. Unlike them we can talk and think but my body is pretty close to theirs. It needs a lot of  maintenance or it will fail" Sekiei looked at his hand and coughed

"Kokuyou went to get your people, right? Don't give up"

I'm glad mitsuki is talking to him. Keeping him awake

"Those guys are pretty cold, so..." before he finished he coughed again. I increased my healing and looked at Sekiei

Mitsuki stood up, turned around and started walking

"Mitsuki.... Where are you going" I asked but no reply

"maybe he is escaping" Sekiei said as he then continously started coughing

"Are you okay?" I ask. I apply some more blood on his hand and continued healing. I heard footsteps and saw Mitsuki with flowers in his hand

"What is that?" Sekiei looked at Mitsuki

"flowers, humans give flowers to cheer up the sick. You look at them and it makes you feel better. So here"

Sekiei took the flower in his other hand as Mitsuki sat down next to Sekiei "feel better?"

"yeah... but I don't think I'm going to last long"

Mitsuki frowns and before he could say anything Sekiei wanted to learn more about humans

"Well... people eat. There's a girl I know that eats so much I can hardly believe it. Her name is Cho- Cho" Mitsuki answered and I could see a small smile on his face

"ooh yeah?" Sekiei looked at Mitsuki wanting more

"And after eat humans brush their teeth"

"Teeth? Why'' Sekiei held his flowers close to his chest

"I wonder why? I don't know, but you get scolded by your parents if you don't brush your teeth, that's what Boruto said"

My eyes widend a bit when I heard Mitsuki taking about Boruto

"Parent, huh? Humans give birth to children right! What about you Mitsuki?"

"Me? My parent is ..." Mitsuki looked down, I think the questions made him upset "Orochimaru. He's the one who made me"

I knew Orochimaru was his dad but I didn't know he created him, in a lab

"So, he's like our Lord Ku"

"Lord Ku?" Mitsuki lifted his head "Did he order you to bring us?"

Sekiei didnt reply instead he turned to the side

"is that what you call a sunset?"

"Yeah, isn't it pretty" I finally spoke, looking at the sunset

"When humans see something like this, some even shed tears" Mitsuki also turned to look at the sunset

"Have you ever cried before?" Sekiei asked

"I haven't" Mitsuki shook his head

"If I die here, will you cry?" Sekiei asked

My eyes go to Mitsuki "I wonder, I'm not sure" Mitsuki looks at Sekiei again

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