Chapter 10

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Y/n pov:

"first we'll improve your usage of blood"


"we are gonna do a basic blood technique, the blood bullet. You will be shooting your targets until you can't use your blood anymore or use your body anymore" he pointed at the targest that were just trees

'yeah so excited'

That entire day I spent shooting targets, I did the same thing the next day and did it again the day after that. Finally doing it for 3 days we stopped. My body is aching in pain, like he said, if you use too much blood your body has to get used to it but we're just continuing with training.

I had to get use to the change once and stayed in bed for 3-5 days, now I'm not even in bed resting I'm still training through all the pain.

"I'm so tired" I dropped to the floor, my body aching everywhere

"usually when you use too much blood and you need to get use to the change, you're suppose to rest in bed but doing it this way allows you to use more and you won't need to stay in bed longer"

"you really confuse me" I chuckled

"okay, you were, let's say training one day and used too much then you have to be in bed for five, but even now training constantly for 3days you will only need to stay in bed for 5 days, no more. You practice more but still get the same amount of time to rest" he said

I just nod

"Luckily there is a way to get use to the change. I just need to heal you"

"Is that all?" I questioned

"yes but it needs to be a skilled l/n otherwise you'll only stay in bed for more than 5 days"

I stood up regretting it, but ignored the pain "okay then let's go I can't take  anymore of this training my body hurts" I started walking slowly

3rd person pov:

"let me help you" hiroaki wrapped his arm around your waist and  put your arm around his neck

"thank you"

You were walking when you both saw Boruto, Shikadai, Cho-Cho and Sarada

"y/n what happened?" sarada asked as you approached approached them

"ooh I used too much of my blood" y/n nervously chuckled

"do you need to get used to the change again?" Boruto asked, he was looking at hiroaki

"yeah but it won't take as long because hiroaki will be helping me"

"that's so great "boruto said, rolling

"yeah" cho-cho looked at hiroaki with a sparkle in her eyes

"we'll get going then and boruto, when do you want to go watch that movie?"

"Don't know if I have time" boruto crossed his arms

"oh...that's okay, see you guys" y/n said a bit disappointed

Hiroaki and Y/n started walking and when they were gone Cho-Cho almost fainted "oh he's so amazing"

"boruto you y/n are dating now right?" Sarada asked and he nodded

"why?" he looked at her

"don't you think you were being a little mean" sarada said

"Yeah she's right" shikadai finally spoke

"I mean I asked her before but she said no since she went training with hiroaki" he rolled his eyes "and they have been training for days. I don't see her anymore, because what's his face is always training her" he scoffed

"Boruto are you jealous?" Sarada look at him and boruto started laughing

"of hiroaki what's there to be jealous of?"

"well he's tall, older, handsome , kind, strong and did I mentioned handsome" Cho-Cho said with a tint of red on her face

"now is not the time cho-cho" shikadai whispered

"whatever I don't care" boruto lied

'I do care they have been spending time with each other nonstop'

Y/n pov:

For the next 3 days I had to stay in bed, Hiroaki healed me so I only havd to stay 3 days in bed and not 5

The next morning I felt as good as new and hiroaki  was already at the training ground waiting for me so we can start training

"today we will be working on improving your physical abilities meaning we're starting with blood manipulation"

That entire day he helped me. To be completely honest hiroaki can't explain but I'm getting used to it

"Okay, we will continue tomorrow"

I silently celebrated, this is really tiring

"Let's go to thunder burger my treat" hiroaki suggested and I nodded. We made our way towards thunder burger

"I really suck at explaining don't I?" Hiroaki open the door and let me enter first

"Yeah kinda" I laughed. We search a place to sit but don't find any. I turn to my left and see Boruto, Mitsuki, Inojin, Shikadai and Iwabee

"oh hey guys" I greeted as I go to their table

"hi y/n, hello hiroaki" inojin looked at us. Everyone greeted us, everyone except boruto.

"want to sit with us?" mitsuki looked at the seats that were open

"yeah thank-" Before I could thank them Boruto stood up

"I need to start heading home" and just like that he left. We sat down and before we ordered our food I stood up

"actually I'm tired, I'm also gonna go home. Bye guys" I walked out of thunder burger and started going home

'Why is he like this?'

Without realising I walked to the pond behind my house. I sigh as I took a seat on the grass

"are you ok?" Hiroaki's voice appeared behind me as he sat down next to

Boruto pov:

I felt bad for leaving, but I get so jealous when I see y/n and hiroaki. I went to thunder burger, again, but I only saw hiroaki

'she must have gone home.' I knocked on her door but nothing. I took a moment to think where she might have gone and then went to the pond behind her house

'there she is' I walk closer but stopped once I saw hiroaki sit down next to her 'why is he here? He was just a thunder burger'

A few minutes passed and I see him wrapped his arm around her and she started hugging him

'he's tall, older, handsome , kind, strong and did I mentioned handsome '

What Cho-Cho said was going through my mind

'she's right' I turn around 'how can I compete with that'

I left going home with one thing I know for sure. I am really jealous

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Where stories live. Discover now