Chapter 17

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Y/n pov:

"Let me tell you a story. When I was around your age we had a meeting with the ancestors, both the main and branch family were together. That day was the first time they made that rule. It started with not having children with someone that was not l/n and then they added not marrying someone that was not l/n and then added not dating l/n. It become worse and you felt trapped, feeling like a locked up animal. They said the reasons for these rules is because they want to keep the bloodline pure, they then announced that you are not allowed to marry someone that's obviously your cousins and they even wanted main family members to only marry main family members and branch family members to marry only branch family members but no one agreed with that, not like they agreed to the whole no dating or marrying another, but they didn't really care. So anyway when I was 17 I met Hideki and fell in love and he wasn't a I/n which really broke my heart but in the end I went against my own clan. When I told them they were enraged, they then made me choose and I chose him, foolish right, but I didn't care at all. I was happy and I still am. I lost contact with the ancestors, and I don't know if you know but the ancestors choose if they want to talk to you or even if they want to see what you're up too, so they cut me off Completely" She took a breath

"So now I am married and I have still have contact with some l/n and there are a lot of I/n who are still against this rule but rather not say anything" she smiled "I also have a daughter, she is still very young "

I couldn't help but smile

"yeah they only changed the rule a little, but that night we talked I just left I didn't even listen to what they had to say anymore"

"What is it that you chose"

Boruto pov:

I learnt the guys name was Hideki Shota and he was married to the women downstairs. He showed me around and finally we walked past a room that was open a little "and here's our daughter" he smiled.

I look at the baby "Can I ask you something?", he hummed so I asked. "the lady downstairs, Mieko she is a l/n right and you're not how did you get married then?"

"You know about the not marrying or dating someone that is not a I/n huh?" He asked

"yeah something like that"

"Well when we first met I fell in love and it was challenging, they even made her choose her clan or me" he looked at the baby again "and I could tell she was going through a rough time but she then chose me"

"didn't she face consequences?"

"She did but she always said that she is happy with the choices she made and that she would always choose me."

I drop my head "the girl downstairs, y/n, is also a l/n." I said "we fought about it but we never really finished the conversation"

"I see, well whatever she chooses don't feel to let down. I always say that meeting a l/n, falling in love with one is destiny so no matter what happens destiny will bring you together again" Hideki said as he closed the door.

"what do you mean?"

"With the whole rule of theirs, about not dating or marrying, if you still fall in love
and even go against that rule it must be a sign, destiny or something because once people knew about the rule they packed up their things and ran, but if they stay and go against the rule it has to mean something" he started walking. I followed him and he stopped when we got to the living room. I see mieko hugging h/n, it looked like they both have been crying. A few seconds later mieko was done and we made our way towards them. Hideki wrapped his
arm around Mieko and they smiled at each other. My eyes drift towards y/n and I see her getting up

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