Chapter 12

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yn pov:

We got to the Hokages office and the Jounin left as soon as I entered

"Sorry for interrupting" Naruto scanned my face, my eyes are probably puffy from all the crying, so he probably knows I have been crying "We have an intruder and since you're punishment only ends tomorrow I need you to please go stand guard at the gate"

I nod and bowed before leaving.

'I'm not in right mind to guard things now'.

Once I get to the gate my mind went everywhere, I couldn't focus

'was me spending time to train with Hiroaki really bothering him that much, why didn't he tell me' I felt the tears coming back 'if he only listened to what I had to say he would have known I-' my thoughts got interrupted

"Y/n?" I see Sarada and everyone else "What are you doing here"

"Ooh I'm on guard duty since I'm still not allowed to leave"

"ooh are you sure you're okay to be standing here at the gate to protect it" She looked at me concerned

ooh my puffy eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you" I dopped my head "Where are you guys going?"

"all genin are being deployed''

" Well then goodluck" I gave a closed eye smile. They all said goodbye and left. I went
back to my thoughts forgetting about everything. About an half hour later nothing had happened

"Surprised you didn't sense me, last time you did" I hear a voice and turned around getting in a fighting stance

"Don't want you to cause a scene" with the speed of light he kicked my right leg causing me to fall to the ground, groaning in pain "I was afraid I would have had to use all my chakra but I then remered the leaf had you, so I'll be using you instead" He took that glowing red fishing rod "I'll make sure to not take to much and kill you, I still need you and your chakra for the future" the rod went straight through my chest.

When he pulled it out chakra followed the rod "Yes this is amazing! It's the first time I'm actually excited for the chakra , and you have so much more" he laughed like a maniac.

I felt weak, very weak , but luckily he didn't take the ancestor chakra power otherwise I would have give them another thing to be angry about

The guy walked towards me "Come we have work to do". He knocked me unconscious just for a while. I woke up in a room and looked around seeing that same guy "you're awake" he bent down "I need a little more chakra" he grabbed me by my throat lifting me into the air

"y/n!" I heared a muffled scream. I slightly turn my head and see Boruto. I can't think straight, I'm still weak from the chakra he took, my leg is throbbing and he's also gonna take more chakra now

"I'm going to harvest the Fox's chakra " he said stepping into the light, taking me with him. We were inside this weird room and the guy finally let me go. I fell and gasped for air. I can't hear anything, either I'm hearing muffled voices on I'm hearing a ringing noise. Once everything seemed back to normal I look at what's going and see Boruto falling but swapped places with that guy. Sasuke took Boruto to where I was sitting and put this purple armoured thing around us (the susanoo ) and there was a white flash, and the next thing I know we're falling out the sky.

"ouch " boruto and I said simultaneously, we look at each other quickly turning away. We stand up and I try not to put any pressure on my leg. Sasuke and boruto started walking, I followed but the pain was too much

"it's a town" boruto said, thank goodness "oh what? It's just the leaf"

it is? it kinda looks different "I will meet up with you guys later" I walk, or more like lump my way to the hospital, luckily I know where the hospital is so I won't need to ask around for any help

'what the? That's not the hospital' I went inside and it is a hospital but not the hospital I'm used to. I asked to see someone because of my leg and they took me to a room. I waited for a few minutes before looking around, the rooms are different as well, I don't understand what's going on

Is this genjutsu 'release'

"sorry for the wait" a nurse entered. Once she looked at me she raised her browse "do I know you?" she walks towards me "your presence feels familiar" she stopped and her eyes scanned my face

" no I don't think we've met" I said

"yeah sorry I think I have you mixed with someone I know" she awkwardly admitted "anyway I'm Mieko l/n"

'isn't she that lady my mom found'. I snap out of my thoughts "ooh my leg" I looked at my right leg

"Let me have a look" she put my leg on the bed "weird I can see you had some cuts from whatever hurt you but there seem to be healed"

Shit. I have been thinking since I entered this hospital that maybe this is the leaf just from the past, and if I'm correct no-one can know about my identity

"Umm... it's been like this for a week so they probably healed" I said, I had to think of something but she doesn't seem convinced

"Okay, well your legs broken "

"How do you know we haven't done any scans?" I look at my leg

"it's just something my clan is good at we can not only heal people but also see what's wrong"

"We can? ", She looked at me confused "I-I meant you can that so cool " I started getting nervous

"Well anyway we may be able to heal but broken bone we cannot, maybe I should
stop saying broken it's a transverse fracture meaning it did break át a 90° angle."

"So it's broken?"

"Yeah" she nodded

"How long will it take heal"

"4-6 week but maybe if you're from a clan like mine it could take 2-4 weeks" She bit her finger "Now usually we would need to realign the bone through an open reduction internal fixation but just your luck to have me as your nurse, my clan, like I said, is really good at healing and even though we might not be able to repair the bone we can help the process" She applied the blood "Like I also said be grateful I'm your nurse otherwise you would have had to pay more"

"Thank you really"

after a few minutes she finished and put on a cast and gave me some medication for pain and swelling.

"There you go" she smiled

"Thank you" I took a small bow

"I never got your name"

"Ooh it y/n" Sorry can't tell you my last name, I thought

"Well y/n try not to put to much pressure, because if you do I'll be seeing you soon again"

LI'll try my best and thank you once again"

"you're welcome y/n l/n" She was at the door as she then turned to look at me

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Where stories live. Discover now