Chapter 3

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m/n pov:

After y/n left with those people, I took izumi and namiko and left as soon as possible

"What about y/n?" izumi asked

"don't worry, she'll be fine"

We got to the villages gate the next morning and I see a bunch of jounin were investigating at the gate but I ignored it.

I head towards the hokages office and knock

"Come in" Naruto's voice said

As soon as we enter all eyes are on us. Naruto, Shikamaru and Inojins dad, Sai were there

"M/n you're back a lot quicker then I thought" he said as his eyes drifted towards izumi and namiko "who are they... and where is y/n?"

"These are the l/n we went to go search at the grass, Izumi and
namiko" I gestured towards them and they went to go hide behind my back

"And y/n well there were 4 people who wanted her. She recognized
the one as Mitsuki, and they gave her a choice. She decided to go with them. She believes Mitsuki is up to something because they want l/n and he said y/n was the only one"

He sighed and shook his "for now it's best we don't tell Boruto, if he finds out Mitsuki left and y/n as well he'll leave the village, and m/n it's best you don't go after your daughter"

"I won't, I believe she'll come back and do the right thing" I said

"Good, now those 2 will they live with you?"

I nodded. "I just want them to join the academy if it's possible"

"After all this is done I'll defnitely see
what I can do" Naruto smiled

"thank you!" I bow and left

y/n pov

After what happened I didn't say anything. Once it was morning we stopped and sekiei said something

"Boom! Detonation Complete"

Detonation complete? What does that mean? Atleast I know what he can
do now, explosions.

"I bet it made such a nice noise!" he jumped down from a tree "Good thing
I laid a trap in case, huh?"

I have no idea what he's talking about, but I just hope no-one got hurt
because it sounds like someone fell into a trap or something

"it's hard to believe your genjutsu was released!"

"it means they're not all fools over there" the girl said "in any
case my job here is done. I'm going back first to make a report"

The girl dissapeared leaving, me mitsuki, kokuyou and sekiei

"Damn it, so unfair "sekiei complained

"We're running behind in our plan. Enough talking" Kokoyou dissapeared

"Yeah, yeah..." Sekiei walked past me and Mistuki "let's go"

''I really hope what you're doing is worth it" I whisper as we all continued the journey to who knows where

"What's your name?" Sekiei asked as we were runnig towards a desert

I look at him "Y/n"

"Can you tell me something you do as a human?"

"What do you mean, are you not human?" I look at him again and see him nodding no

"Well then," I start thinking "I want to protect my friends but anyone that has someone close to them wants to keep them safe


we stop at the desert and Sekiei drew a house

"it's my house" Sekiei said. He looks at me and Mitsuki "Hey, once you enter the Land of Earth, it'll mean that you betrayed the Hidden Leaf"

I look at Mitsuki and see no emotion on his face

"I wonder what betrayal feels like? Humans have all sorts of feelings that I wouldn't understand, right? It's so
mysterious, isn't it" sekiei spoke again

"it's time to shut up Sekiei. Our arrival is getting delayed" Kokuyou kept walking and we followed.

As we walked one of those sand things, called Akuta, died

"We can't live long like humans, but there's 2 things that will let us live like humans ... it's you two "sekiel pointed towards us

"Lord Ku thinks you guys are -"

"That's enough sekiei" Kokuyou interrupted him


"Don't tell them anything more" Kokuyou said but then looked at me "especially to her"

I stare at him as he walks away

"I'll tell you again some other time"
He extended both his fist "I've taken quite a liking to you both"

we both look at his fist

"This is what humans do when they see eye to eye, right?"

I give him a fist bump and he looks at me and said nothing after that, once again we continued walking.

The next morning we finally took a break and we were sitting on a rock. Mitsuki was learning Sekiei how to use his hand when he yawns and as usual kokuyou is very cautious telling sekiei not to get to friendly

"You have really beautiful skin, Mitsuki. I can't believe we're both created beings" sekiei praised Mitsuki

"Created?" I ask

"Yeah as in we were made into humans" Sekiei replied

"C'mon let's hurry. Time lost cannot be regained" Kokuyou once again talked about time and us being behind on schedule.

We all stand up

"Hey you think Kirara got back safely" sekiei asked but then fell to the floor groaning in pain

"Sekiei what's wrong?!" Kokuyou rushed to his side "Get a hold of yourself" he helped him sit up against the rock

"My body feels weird"

Kokuyou removed the bandage around his hands and revealed his hand, cracking. Kokuyou frowned as he then looks at me "Help him"

I look at Sekiei

"You're a I/n, use your blood"

"I can't. I need chakra" I look at my
chains "And I don't know if I can help, like he said he was created and isn't
human. I don't know if our power works like that"

"Just try!" Kokuyou unchained me. I kneel down and bit my finger applying the blood on his hand

"Watch him till I return, and don't try anything foolish" Kokuyou stood up leaving us alone.

boruto  x Fem reader: Out Of Reach Part 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu