Chapter 15

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Y/n pov

"Who is this" Naruto turned to look at us "I've been waiting to meet you Naruto Uzumaki" Urashiki has some kind of happy tone in his voice

"you know who I am?"

"well of course, you're very famous after all! " He replied. He threw the end of his fishing rod toward naruto


Urashiki pulled out the rod but no chakra got extracted

'What's going on' I thought

"What did you do?" Naruto was touching his a stomach where the rod was a few moments ago.

"I can't extract his chakra"Urashiki muttered.

"I don't know what you did, but I'm not gonna go easy on you anymore. Who
springs a suprise attack on me you know!" Naruto rushed towards urashiki

"Naruto, No!" I tried grabbing his hand but missed it with a few inches. Urashiki's rod    wrapped around Naruto, trapping him and prevented him from talking. Sasuke appeared behind Urashiki and sliced him but these red things appeared and he dissapeared but soon after that he reappeared again. Boruto did a rasengan and went to attack Urashiki but he dodged. There were these orange/yellow chakra balls flying out of a pouch Urashiki had and rock started falling from the sky

''We're gonna lose them" I took a step back when a rock was about to fall on my already broken leg. I started doing a jutsu, it's one Hiroaki taught me, it allows you
to track someone using the blood of the person you want to track. How it work is you have had to come in contact with that person in order for it to work. I tried
remembering the hand signs and once I remember everything I look at Urashiki doing the jutsu. He sensed I was doing something and frowned as he looked at me.

"I won't let you"

I didn't sense another rock coming, I fell to the ground, the rock on my broken leg. I didn't make any noise, I didn't want them to worry about me too. The rocks were trapping us inside and only a small space was left open. I see Urashiki one more time before it closed it completely

'Jutsu complete' I thought as I was busy pushing the rock of my leg. The cast had cracks and blood was starting to stain it. I stood up, just in time before they turn to face me

"Are you okay?" Boruto asked and I just nodded if I were to talk now I'd probably just scream in pain

"What is happening" Mister Jiraiya asked

"His name is Urashiki, he is after the Nine Tails' Chakra"

I look at my leg and saw blood sliding down from under my cast. I don't want to draw attention and quickly looked away. Sasuke revealed that we. aren't traveling performers and that we're from a certain land and our mission it to take down Urashiki.

MisterJiraiya didn't look convinced, but then smiled, so I am assuming he believes us. Boruto walked and I followed, ignoring the pain

"well I'll get all details from you later. Right now, we need to focus on rescuing Naruto" Mister Jiraiya said and Boruto nodded with a determined look on his face. Mister Jiraiya bit his finger, and did a summoning jutsu, smoke appeared and we were being lifted into the air by a frog. The frog started leaping to who knows where

"We need to hurry and find them, or else-!" Boruto began speaking

"But without any clues, it's gonna take a bit of time" Mister Jiriya interrupted him

"I might know where they are" I took a seat on the frog, me leg is killing me

"y-y/n your hurt" Boruto looked at my leg

"I'm Fine, before Urashiki took him I did a jutsu that can help track him down" I closed my eyes trying to focus. For awhile I sat and tried to find their exact location "That way" I pointed to the left and the frog changed direction. I open my eyes and see Boruto was infront of me

"What happened to I won't get hurt"

I looked at him "Well technically I didn't it's just an old wound that re-opened"

"your leg is broken and it's bleeding" Boruto said

"I know but I am fine"

"Are you really?" he asked, before I could answer the frog stopped.

"We're here" Sasuke jumped of the toad. I carefully got off and followed. We entered a cave and saw Urashiki ,Naruto behind him. Naruto was covered in a cloak of Chakra.

"Give him back!" Boruto demanded

"Don't be so impatient! I have finally figured out how to extract his Chakra" Urashiki had a evil smile on his face.

"What is that?!" Boruto asked

"The nine tails' chakra, huh?" Mister Jiraiya didn't look to pleased

"I'll deal with him. you take care of Naruto" Sasuke said and didn't waste time, he immediately attacked Urashiki. While they were fighting that rod went
through sasuke but no chakra followed the rod when it was pulled out. A seal mark
appeared on Sasuke's back

"I knew it. Sealing Jutse is a good defense against him." Mister Jiriya said. I did a sealing jutsu on myself and while doing that I see Boruto going towards Naruto

"Are you alright!?" he asked

"Hold on" Mister Jiriya put a hand on his shoulder

"What is it?"

"The Nine Tails' chakra is leaking out. You need to be careful!" Mister Jiraiya advised. I look at Sasuke and saw him still keeping Urashiki occupied. I am trusting Boruto to get Naruto back to normal, so while he does that I'll help Sasuke. I'm not gonna physically attack him, I'll die. I'm going to use a jutsu I used once and never again, the blood boiling jutsu. I focus my attention towards Urashiki

'I need too not be afraid of this jutsu' I thought. I feel an unusual feeling in my body and Urashiki stopped in his tracks and turned towards me

"You damn l/n" he lifted his rod groaning in pain. I focus more and boil his blood more, he managed to throw the rod and it went through me, but I had a sealing jutsu on myself so no chakra got removed. I hear a loud screaming noise and turn to look to the side and see Naruto about to attack Boruto but Mister Jiraiya put a sealing paper of some kind on his head. I completely forgot about Urashiki until he appeared in front of me "Don't lose your focus!" he swung his rod and I jumped back and luckily landed onmy leg that's not broken.

Sasuke attacked him from behind but he floated into the air and went through a black
portel. I sigh in relieve.

We left the cave and the sun was starting to set. As soon as we were outside I sat down and cut my cast open with a kunai.

AN: I don't think I have done one of these in a while, so how are you guys doing?? Are you all safe and healthy?🫶🏼
I would like to apologise for being so inactive recently tbh my life has been a mess and really busy😂but I doing fine I'm just going to take a break from posting for a while, but not to long though. I really hope you guys are enjoying the ff so far🥰

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