Chapter 7

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Y/n pov

I tried to stand up but I'm still very weak. He greeted the Tsuchikage and and a small head nod towards Hiroaki but I don't think he paid  him any attention

I saw Boruto's eyes were a bit red "boruto?" he sat  down and hugged me, of course I didn't waste any time hugging back. He burried his face in my shoulder

"He is dead"


"the third Tsuchikage" Boruto's shoulders started shaking

I tightened our hug. We stayed like that for a few minutes before he pulled away. I wipe his tears away

"I'm so glad you're okay" He smiled

"Me too "I smiled but turned serious
"what happened to staying at the village?"

he chuckled nervously. Lady Tsuchikage left as soon as she heard about the third Tsuchikage

"What was wrong? And how did they heal you?"

"I was poisoned" I slowly stood up and walk towards Hiroaki "And he
healed me. Boruto meet Hiroaki... I/n"

"I/n? You found another"

I nod, Boruto stood up and shook his hand. I felt dizzy and grabbed Hiroaki's arm without thinking. Boruto looked at my hand and then he looked at me. After I felt better I thanked him

"We should probably go meet with the others" Boruto said. He put his arm around my waist and my arm around his neck

"I'm fine now"

"I know but if you get dizzy again" We started walking Hiroakı following behind

"Boruto are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?" he turned to look at me with a smile on his face

"You don't always have to smile to hide your pain, you know you can be honest with me"

he stopped smiling "I just feel like I could have done more, and maybe if I was just a little stronger then-"

"No you can't blame yourself. I don't know what happened when you were fighting but we both know your strong" I turn to look at him a big grin forming om my face "But I'm stronger and we both now that"

He laughed as he looked at me "is that so?"

"Yeah" I let him go and went infront of "Let me show you my ultimate move"

before I did anything my legs gave in, luckily Boruto caught me

"What an amazing move" he said sarcastically

"That wasn't my move" I scoffed "This was." I gave him a peck on the cheek. His eyes widend and he started blushing. Once he put my arm around his shoulder again he looked away.

once we finally made it back to the others they were suprised to see me

"You're here too Y/n?" inojin looked at me

I nod and see Mitsuki walk towards me, not making eye contact once

"I'm really sorry"

"No, I'm sorry. I should have seen you were unhappy." I look around "is Sekiei...?" He nodded his head "I believe maybe if he weren't used for all this he would have been a good guy"

Mitsuki nodded "Once again I'm really sorry" before I said something Naruto interrupted us

We all turn to look at him

"I notified him" Shikadai said and looked at me and gave a small nod

"it's all over" Konohamaru sensei stood infront of all of us "I'll have the
details in my rapport"

"Well done. You saved all of them right?" Naruto questioned

"I didn't do anything. Please excuse
me" Konohamaru sensei turned around and walked towards Mitsuki and I

"Konohamaru Sensei" We both said. He gave Mitsuki a hug

"I'm glad you came back" He pulled away and looked at me "I would give you a hug but Boruto has some...germs" he whispered "Kidding. Y/n I'm glad you returned to" he gave me a hug quick, and pulled away "germs" he whispered again causing me to laugh, boruto didn't find what sensei said funny but he then started smiling

Everyone started getting ready to leave but Lady Tsuchikage called me. I let go of Boruto and go towards her, Naruto and Hiroaki were there

"So thats okay?" Naruto askes and Lady Tsuchikage nodded

"y/n, The Stone knew about the l/n so we decided to take care of Hiroaki and protected him against all the people who tried to take him, but I think it's best if he goes back with you go back to the l/n"

I bowed" Thank you Lord Tsuchikage"

And like that we got another l/n. We went back to the village and I was taken to a hospital where my mother then healed me completely

my mother said that I should stay in the hospital for a day before I do anything. The sun was starting to set, I hear the door open and boruto entered, but something looked different

"headband, where is your headband?"

"We got stripped of our rank of genin" he chuckled "Sorry I'm visiting so late
we had to go to the Hokage's office and we talked to Mitsuki" He explained

"Yeah he has been apologizing a lot, but honestly I don't blame him. I could have done things differently" Boruto walked towards me and sat down on the bed with me "And so much for staying at the village"

A nervous sweat formed on his face "When I heard he left, I needed to know why. I had no idea you were dragged into it, if I knew I would have saved you earlier" he put his hand on mine and smiled.

The next day I finally left the hospital but had to go to the Hokage's office

"y/n" Naruto said as I entered, "I wanted to tell you yesterday but never got the chance. As you probably know team 7 was stripped of their headbands and since you're kinda part of team we will also need to strip you of your genin rank but Lord Tsuchikage payed us a visit herself and said you helped her escape"

"So you aren't taking my headband"

He nodded no“ but what you did was still against the rules, and I know you did it to protect your mother and those 2 children, so you won't be getting any missions for a month and you're not allowed to leave the village"

I felt relieved, it's better then getting my headband taken away. I left the office and went outside seeing team 7

"You got your headband back? "

"yeah" Boruto smiled "And yours?"

"yeah mine was gonna get taken away but Lady Tsuchikage had something to do with it. I am just not allowed to do any mission for a month or leave the village"

I could see Boruto wanted to laugh, his face was turning red "You can
laugh" I soon as I said that he burst into laughter

"Sorry" he wiped away a tear "We were going to mission right now" he laughed

"Haha funny. Well at least my head band hasn't been taken away twice now"

I smirked. He stopped laughing "Enjoy your mission'' I kissed him on his cheek


I started walking


I wave as I started running

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