8 | Warmth

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It was warm, Kenji felt warm when he slowly gained consciousness, something was on top of him; something was nestled in the palm of his hand. His eyes fluttered open, his vision slowly clears and the smell of alcohol and  hand sanitizer entered his nostrils, the setting sun peeking through the parted curtains, Kenji looked down and saw Mina sleeping beside him and Kirishima sleeping on his chair with his hand nested between his and Kenji's.

"You're awake. How are you feeling?" Recovery girl asked, giving Kenji a few gummy treats, "Oh...Well for starters, what happened?" Kenji asked tossing a gummy bear into his mouth, shivering at the sweetness of the gummy. "Well this young man carried you here, you had a bloody nose and your body temperature was above average, not only that but there's a certain darkness that wrapped you when you arrived. Your father said that it was your quirk overloading and you overusing it." Recovery girl said, and right on cue Kyoujurou entered the room, with a messy tie and unkempt hair, the poor man was scared and concerned.

"MY LITTLE SUNSHINE ARE YOU OKAY?!" Kyoujurou yelled, making the three students scream and jump up in shock. Recovery girl clicked her tongue and hit the large man with her syringe walking stick, telling him to apologize. "Sorry! I was so worried but we had to assess points and etc! So I came as fast as I could!" Kyoujurou continued. Mina stretched her back, hearing the satisfying pops and cracks as she woke herself up, Kirishima rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he yawned rather loudly, while Kenji accidentally summoned a raven out of sheer shock. "Don't barge in like that! Mina and Kirishima were resting!" Kenji scolded, letting his raven peck the old man who just mumbled "sorry" over and over again.

"Shouldn't you two be on your way home? Your parents might get worried." Recovery girl asked as she ushered away from the raven from the guidance counselor, "I already told my mom, she said she's okay with it as long as I'm with my friend." Kirishima said, "Dad said he was gonna pick me up but he said he'll be a bit late, so I wanted to check up on Kenji." Mina added, pulling out a can of iced coffee from her bag. "Is Kenji alright now? Miss Recovery Girl?" Kirishima asked and Kenji felt Kirishima's hand tighten around Kenji's. "Well there were some cuts and bruises on his left arm, but aside from that just a good night's rest will suffice, he can go home now." The nurse replied and Kirishima smiled.

Kenji liked these tiny moments he had with Mina and Kirishima, sure it's not like with Katsuki but he cherished the warmth he gets from Mina's smiles and supportive words, and Kirishima's tendencies to hold hands and hug him.

"Are you coming, home dad?" Kenji asked and Kyoujurou chuckled sheepishly "I'll be home late, there's a lot to assess right now and stuff. But I'll be home for the party." Kenji's dad winked. Before Kenji could protest, Mina's phone started buzzing, making the girl pick it up and say that she was on her way. "That's my dad, I'll see myself out! Nice job to the three of us!" Mina said, hugging Kenji and Kirishima and throwing two cans of iced coffee at the two before leaving the room. "She never runs out of energy huh," Kenji said and Kirishima laughed.

Kyoujurou waved goodbye, not before giving Kenji some pocket money for the trip home, and left Kirishima and Kenji all alone. Kenji thanked Recovery Girl for her tremendous help and left the room with the ravenette tagging behind him, it was quiet and it wasn't like the welcoming one, it was tense; you can cut the tension between the two with a butter knife. "What happened?" Kirishima's ears perked the moment he heard Kenji's hoarse voice breaking the silence, the concern that clouded the brunette's blue eyes, the way his eyebrows furrowed, Kenji doesn't remember what happened.

"You sort of just flew and punched the robot..." Kirishima said truthfully, making Kenji squint and bite his fingernail, something bothered him but no one knows what it is. "You should head home Kirishima, you don't need to walk me home," Kenji said ruffling the shorter one's hair. Kirishima subconsciously placed his hand where his hair was ruffled, fully taking in that not only he was shorter, but it felt warmer. Not warm as temperature-wise, but emotionally warm, a feeling of satisfaction and pride washed over Kirishima; a feeling of being noticed. But Kirishima brushed it off, "Yeah. I'll see you on the first day of school okay?" Kirishima smiled and Kenji nodded, walking off.

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