Ignorance Is Bliss

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One week earlier...

The hallway was dark, quiet. I walked along the corridor silently. I was searching for something. I didn't know where I was, or even what I was searching for. I urged my feet to stop moving. To stop walking aimlessly further into the deep abyss. I wanted to turn around. To no avail, I stopped fighting it. I walked until I came across two doors. Something in the back of my mind urged, or even provoked me to take the door on my right. I had no idea what I should do, so I went with my gut. I turned the knob of the door to my right, and in seconds, I was standing on the other side. I looked behind me and watched as the door swung closed. I had no choice but to keep walking. A dark silhouetted figure stepped out of nowhere. I jumped, letting out a small whimper. I already knew who the shadow belonged to. I could smell the heavy coat of alcohol on his breath from across the room. His staggered walk was one I knew all too well.

"You're innocent. You're only a child." He mockingly repeated my mother's words to me, "You are my perfect.little.flower."

His words stung my heart like a dagger. He mocked me, he mocked my mother.

"But that'll all change soon."


I awoke sweating profusely. I sat up in my bed and caught my breath. I'd had a nightmare. I'd been having the same nightmare for the past three days. I got up, trying to shake my fear.

I quietly knocked on my older sister's bedroom door. "Beth. Beth it's me. Please let me in."

She opened her door, quietly waiting on the other side.

"Hurry. Come on." She motioned to me with urgency.

I tip-toed to her bed, crawling in.

"What are you doing up?" She asked in a quiet tone, peering out into the hall. She saw no one, and closed the door gently.

"I had the same nightmare." I answered, quietly beckoning her over.

"I'm sorry, Maya." She said, kissing me on the forehead.

She crawled into bed next to me, and I hugged her tightly.

"Ouch!" She let out a cry of pain.

"I'm sorry! Did I hug you too hard?" I asked, a worried expression came over my face.

"Yeah. I'm alright though." She said, masking the pain she felt.

I let my head fall back onto the pillow, accepting the exhaustion I felt.
"Be brave, Maya. You're the special one." She whispered to me, right before we both drifted off into a deep sleep.


Hey my beauties! I've loved writing and updating this book for you guys! I hope you're liking it so far, and please keep reading! I have a bunch up my sleeve ;) Love you all very much! *Mwah* Xoxo- Mo

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