Missing Person (First Ending)

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"I can't believe we haven't found her yet! This can't be happening." Jessica sobs into her palms.

Mark closes his eyes, resting his chin on Jessica's head. "I know Jess. Everything will be okay."

I sit back silently. There's no way to explain exactly the way I feel at this moment. Not to Mark or Jessica. Not to anyone. The least I can do is be quiet, and try not to make things worse.

"What time exactly did your daughter go missing?" A police officer delicately inquires of Mark.

"Uh. I'm not so sure. Maya?" Mark looks to me.

I look up at the police officer and exhale quietly. "Around 7:45."

"A.M or P.M?" The officer stops writing on his notepad.

"P.M." I whisper, blinking back tears.

The officer finishes writing on his notepad and smiles with sympathy. "Thank you."

Mark lets go of Jessica and smiles at the officer. "Are we finished for now?"

"Yes sir. Thank you for your compliance." The officer shakes Mark's hand and leaves.

Jessica sits down and rests her face in her hands.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. Everything bad that has ever happened to us has been my fault." I begin to sob, not able to look her in their eyes.

"No. Maya don't say that. None of this is your fault. Don't be ridiculous." Mark smiled at me and hugged me tightly.

"I wasn't able to keep Beth safe, and I'm apparently not able to keep Hope safe either. What is wrong with me?!" I cry, gasping in between short sobs.

Jessica looks up at me with muddy eyes. Not saying a word, she wipes her nose and takes my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"I am so incredibly sorry. You guys probably hate me. I hate me too." I look down in shame.

"We could never hate you. Ever. Go up and get some rest. We'll go look for Hope." Mark kisses me on the forehead.

Feeling utterly worthless, I stagger away from my broken parents and into my room. I sit on the bed and think about what everything would be like without me. Unable to keep these thoughts out of my head, I consider how my parents would feel if I too were gone.

Maybe I should stop being a burden to everyone around me. I can't continue to be a burden if I'm dead.

Something inside of me kicks in. I feel as if I'm a mother bear, and my cub is in danger. I feel the sudden urge to find Hope.

I jump up from my bed and run outside into the cool night air. The moon shines across the water, illuminating the calming waves as they sway back and forth.

I close my eyes and begin to talk to Hope. Although she can't hear me, I urge her to tell me where she is. To give me something -- anything to grasp onto. I get the abrupt feeling that she is somewhere close. I get into my car and take a deep breath, pulling out onto the dark road.

As I drive, I lose touch with reality. I begin to allow my thoughts to drift. My senses go numb. I start to think about where Beth is right now. If she's happy. If she can see me. If she can see Hope. Before I know it, my mind and body pull back to reality, and I grip the steering wheel tightly as I swerve out of the way of an oncoming car. The sound of honking fills my ears, and bright headlights blind me for a short while.

When I regain my sight, I scream out, unable to dodge the next oncoming vehicle. The impact of the collision stuns me.

A very familiar uncertain darkness surrounds me, and once again, I am lost from reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2017 ⏰

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