Drifting Apart

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Hope and I make our way through the crowded store, full of last-minute shoppers.

As we browse the school supplies, Hope tugs on my arm and points to a girl that looks a bit like Beth did.

"Is that what mommy looked like?" Hope's eyes don't leave the girl.

I'd only described Beth to Hope once a long time ago. I remember seeing the drawing Hope completed based on how I described her.

I nod slightly and murmer a yes, imagining Beth's face.

"Hope, do you remember when you were really young?" I asked, kneeling down to her height.

She shakes her head 'no' and I let out a sigh of relief.

A man comes around the corner to the aisle where Hope and I stand. He seems to be browsing the supplies, but I can't help but feel uneasy.

I cautiously take Hope's hand and slowly walk onto the next aisle.

I soon realize there is no real reason to feel on edge. The core of my fear lies within my fear of my father. He's in fact made me weary of men.

"Let's get some ice cream after this, okay?" I ask, watching as her eyes get bright.

She nods frantically and we continue our shopping, with the motivation of ice cream.


We get home, and I immediately trudge to my room, feeling worn out from the shopping fiasco.

My stomach is full, and I can rest easy knowing that Hope and I are prepared for school.

I shut my door and begin changing. I find an oversized T-shirt and sweats. Perfect.

My brain is buzzing, and I completely dread going to school. It's all a huge group of dudgemental kids trying to fit into a socially acceptable standard of what teens should be.

I get a text and immediately turn my negative thoughts off.

Hey! What do you say we do something for the last night of our summer?

As soon as I read the text, I glance down at the clothes I'm wearing and sigh.

What do you have in mind?

As I wait for her response, I stare blankly at myself in the mirror.

How about a bonfire on the beach?! We'll invite some old friends from last year!

I shrug and nod, replying with a simple 'okay'.

I grab out a pair of denim shorts, and a navy blue breezy tank top. I apply a little more mascara and chap stick, fix my hair, and slip on some sandals.

I make my way downstairs and slip my purse over my shoulder.

I pass through the kitchen, seeing Jessica and Mark.

"I'm going to a bonfire on the beach." I say, grabbing a water from the fridge.

"Alright, honey. Don't stay out too late." Jessica says, not looking up from her laptop.

"Don't wait up." I say, walking out the door.


Sophia and I arrive at the beach, seeing a couple old friends from last year.

As we reunite with old friends, we light a huge fire in the pit, watching the sparks elevate.

Once there's a good number of people, about thirty or forty, everyone starts to dance. A couple beers go around, and a girl turns up the tunes a little higher.

Some get in the water, but mostly people are gathered around the fire, taking pictures with everyone and dancing.

Sophia stumbles over to me from a group of enthusiastic girls and guys, plopping down next to me.

"Having fun?!" She slurs with a loud voice.

I nod frantically and laugh, pointing to a group of people drinking.

"I was just talking to a really nice guy. He's somewhere over there." I can't contain my laughter, pointing out every guy I see.

I find a beer sitting by the fire and sip it, observing everyone having a good time.

"Hey, who's the designated driver?!" A guy inquires, stumbling in the sand, and puking his guts out a few feet away from us.

Sophia and I cringe and resume our buzzed conversation.


The night is wrapping up, and the people who came are risking driving home.

I walk over to Sophia, who's kissing some guy by the water.

I nudge her back with my foot until she looks up at me.

"Let's head home." I say, almost vomiting from the alcohol.

"Mkay, just a few more minutes." She says, resuming her make out session.

I roll my eyes, and walk along the beach. Almost everyone has gone home, and I've stepped in a few piles of throw up already.


As Sophia and I make our way home, she cries, and laughs, and hiccups until she almosts pukes.

I drive, since I'm more sober than she is.

When we stop at her house, I watch as she stumbles inside, and I drive off.


I quietly make my way through the front door, hoping everyone's already asleep.

As I turn around, I am faced with Jessica. She's sitting on the living room couch, arms crossed.

"Curfew's 11:30. It's currently 1:07." She says, a tone clear in her voice. "You either need a watch, or a new brain if you think this is acceptable."

"My bad." I slur, trying to hide the alcohol on my breath.

"I was worried. You can't just drop in and out when you feel like it." She says, standing up in front of me.

"It won't happen-" I pause, almost throwing up, "Again."

"Have you been drinking?!" She demands, glaring at me.

"Sorry." I mumble, longing to go upstairs.

"You know, I feel like we're not as close as we used to be. I don't think I'm getting through to you nowadays." She says, a tone of disappointment.

I stay quiet and stare down at my hands.

Next thing I know, she stands and pulls me into a warm embrace. When the tight hug ceases, she turns and walks away.


Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! This chapter was a bit longer than usual and I hope you enjoyed! This chapter's lucky winner is Xpie510! Thanks for following! Next chapter is coming soon, so watch for it!

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