The Kindness of a Stranger

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"You're actually considering taking them to live with you? " Katie asked, raising an eyebrow at Mrs. Lancastor.

"They're children. Very special children." She said, caressing my cheek.

A short while later, all the paperwork was done, and we we're on our way to a new life.


"I can't thank you enough, Mrs. Lancastor." I said, averting my gaze back out the window.

"Call me Jessica." She smiled at me in the rearveiw mirror.


A few more hours pass...

"We're about five minutes away!" Jessica exclaimed. "Mark is going to love you girls!"

Hope's eyes fluttered open as she heard Jessica's comforting voice.

"We're almost home!" I said, kissing Hope on the cheek.

She gave me a bright smile, exposing her many missing teeth.

"Home." Hope's small voice filled the air.

I looked at Jessica in amazement.

"Hope!" I squeeled in excitement, hugging her tightly.

That was the day my baby sister spoke her first word.


We pulled up to a stunning house. It had beautiful grey brick with a pure white sliding.

The house was utterly beautiful. It seemed big enough, and was definitely a step up from our prior house.

"This is it." Jessica smiled at me and helped Hope out of the car.

I stood in awe of the home.

"Lets go in." Jessica exclaimed, picking up Hope's bag.

We walked into a marvelous front entry. The inside was even better than the outside. It was a grand space with oak flooring, and stunning pictures on the beautifully painted walls.

"I-it's gorgeous." I whispered, Jessica chuckling at the wonder in my voice.

"Want to see your room?" Jessica asked, her eyes lighting up.

I nodded slowly, catching glimpses of the rest of the house as we walked to my room.

"This is it." Jessica marvled as she opened the sleek brown door.

I walked into a large room. It had a beautiful light blue wall color. There was a queen sized bed that had to have been the entire size of my old room.

"It's not decorated yet, but we will go shopping tomorrow. You can have anything you want," She said, brushing her auburn hair out of her winded face. "My oldest daughter moved out about a month ago. This room's completely yours."

I looked at Jessica, and rushed to her side, hugging her tightly. "Thank you."

She hugged me back and started to giggle.

"My room is right down the hall," She pointed to a room a few doors down. "You have a bathroom extending off your room, so don't be afraid to use it. This is your house now."

I nodded and smiled at her, setting my bags down by the door.

"And you'll be in my room until you're old enough for your own." Jessica talked sweetly towards Hope, hugging her tightly.

"I'll be back to check on you. Dinner's at six." She said, carrying Hope out of the room.

She closed the door behind her and left me to unpack my bags.


Dinner rolled around shortly. I jumped up from my bed as soon as my wall clock showed exactly six o'clock.

I rushed down the marvelous stairs, gliding my hand down the smooth, oak railing.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, I was greeted by a tall man. He turned around and introduced himself politely.

"Well hello. You must be Maya." He smiled, outstretching his hand to me.

I slowly nodded, fear trickling in my veins. "Yes sir."

Jessica came into the kitchen behind me.

"Mark, this is Maya." She smiled, looking from me to Mark.

"I just had the pleasure of meeting her." He smiled at me.

I gave a slight smile, and tried to hide my uneasiness.

"Dinner's ready. Let's eat!" Jessica exclaimed.


That night, I slept better than I had in months.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed. I'm deticating this chapter to J__Hollywood! Thanks for being a great supporter! Love you all! Xoxo- Mo


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