Goodbye for Now

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Beth's death occurred exactly two hours ago. Father disposed of her body, claiming that burying her would be too tiring.

As I sit here, cradling little Hope in my arms, I think. I miss Beth with every ounce of my being. She was my older sister, my best friend, and my hero.

Hope's breath is peaceful, calm. Her eyes flutter open every once and a while. When they do, she stares up at me, and begins to smile. For the first time in a very long time, I feel like everything in the world is good. Like there is no pain, or suffering, or evil. Everything's perfect.

That feeling is soon demolished as I hear the cellar door open and slam. My father's footsteps are slow but loud.

"I brought you some blankets." My father says. "For the baby."

"Thanks." I whisper.

I actually feel as if he is concerned. He doesn't appear to be drunk, and his eyebrows crease when he speaks.

"Dad?" I ask, still afraid he'll blow up at me. "We need baby formula, and a bottle."

"Okay." He says, patting my head and walking up the stairs.

I'm shocked, confused, and relieved.

I unwrap the baby from the thin piece of Beth's night gown and wrap her firmly in a fresh, clean blanket.

"You're safe now. Everything's going to be okay." I whisper to her, kissing her forehead.

A few minutes later, my father returns, this time with ten clean bottles and two jumbo packs of baby formula.

"Here, flower." He says handing me the things for Hope.

When he calls me flower, I'm taken aback. His tone doesn't sound sarcastic at all.

"Can I hold it?" He asks, a sincere look comes across his face.

"She." I say, "She's a girl. Her name is Hope." I say, reluctantly handing him the baby.

His lips instantly turn upwards into a genuine smile. "She's perfect." He chuckles, tears cascading down his cheeks.

I watch him carefully, making sure Hope is happy in his arms.

She begins to cry, and his facial expression turns dark.

"Why is she crying?! He bellows, making her scream louder.

"Just give her to me!" I cry out, taking her out of his hands.

He runs up the stairs and out of the cellar, slamming the heavy door shut.

"Shhhhh. It's alright. You're okay." I rock her back and forth, calming her down.

A little while later, the door opens and a piece of bread and some cheese it's thrown down in a plastic bag.

"It's your dinner. Eat up." He says, darkness overcoming him once again.

I slowly reach for the food as he slams the door shut. Once he does this, Hope starts screaming, tears streaming down her flushed cheeks.

This is going to be a long night.


Hey guys! I hope you all enjoyed! There is definitely a lot more to come! This book will kind of take us through Maya's life. Throughout high school and college, etc. It'll kinda display how her past will affect her future. Plus there needs to be some romance in here ;) so love you all! Please don't forget to vote and comment!

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