Leave the Past Behind Us

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It's been a hard 12 months. Hope is growing and learning more and more each day. She looks a lot like Beth, but also a lot like my father.

She has father's deep blue eyes and pale skin. Her hair is light brown, just like Beth's.

Father has been gone a lot lately. Sometimes he delivers me food and baby formula. It's kinda like I live down in the cellar now.

He never lets me come out. He always tells me, "Only good little girls get to come out."


"Maya..." Father says, pausing.

As father makes his way down the cellar steps, his eyes fill with pain. He doubles over, clutching his heart.

I watch as he topples down the stairs, landing right in front of me.

"Dad!? Are you okay?" I squeal, my heart beating rapidly.

Hope begins to cry, and I don't know what to do.

I consider leaving him to die on the floor and running away with Hope.

Something tells me to help him.

I dash up the stairs and grab the phone, dialing 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"Umm, I think that my dad had a stroke or a heart attack or something. He fell down the stairs." I jabbered frantically, Hope screaming in the background.

"Calm down, honey. I need you to tell me your address." Her calm voice urged.

"2198 Sanderson road."

"Okay sweetie. I'm sending an ambulance down right away."

"Okay." I said, hanging up the phone and rushing back to my father.

Hope crawled to my side, crying. I grabbed her up in my trembling arms and sat there until I heard the sirens of the ambulance.

Within seconds, men came rushing down the stairs, swiftly placing my father on the gurney.


At the hospital, a nurse in the waiting room quietly sits next to me.

"Where's your mommy?" She asks, breaking the silence.

"She died." I whisper, looking away.

"Well, do you have any other family?" She asks sympathetically.

I silently shake my head 'no', and she goes silent.


A few hours later, a doctor pulls me to the side and takes a deep breath. "I'm very sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, " He pauses.

I look into his green eyes, questioning them with mine.

"Your father is...is dead." He says, kneeling down on my level. "He passed away a few moments ago of another heart attack."

I nod and look down at my shoes. Hope stands by my side and tugs on my jeans with her tiny hand.

I pick her up and kiss her cheek, looking at the doctor. "What does this mean for us?"

"You'll be put into foster care."


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part of "Through Innocent Eyes." Much more to come, so keep reading. Don't forget to vote and comment! Love you all. Xoxo- Mo.

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