Smooth Apologies and Redemption

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3 Months Later...

"Hey babe." Dustin called from the hood of his ocean-blue Ford.

"How was your day?" I ask, kissing him on the cheek.

"It was alright," He responded, holding my book-bag. "And yours?"

"Pretty good."

He ran to my side and opened it up for me, running to the back and throwing my book-bag in the bed of the truck.

When he was situated comfortably in the truck, he leaned over and kissed me.

"Where to?" He leaned away and started the engine.

"Home. I think I'm gonna try spending some time with Jessica. I haven't really been the best daughter lately." I say.

"Okay." He smiles.


We pull up to my house, and he parks.

"Text me later, alright?" He says.

"Will do," I open the door, turning back to his face. I pucker my lips and lean in close. The warmth of my breath tickles his lips.

I quickly lean away before our lips can touch, teasing him.

"Bye." I smile, hopping out of his truck, closing the door.

I walk around to the back and get my bag, waving goodbye.

I walk into my house, dropping my bag down and kicking my shoes off.

"Hi, Maya!" Hope exclaims, hugging my torso.

"Hey, baby girl. Where's mom?" I ask, peeking into the kitchen.

"In her office. She said she was on a very important call and not to bother her." Hope smiled, exposing her sparse teeth.

"Stay here, okay? I'll be right back." I pat her head, heading towards Jessica's office.

I stay quiet once I reach the slightly ajar office door.

"No, I don't quite understand. I filled out a form, requesting full custody. It was approved. Now you're telling me it's not?! Years later!!" Jessica exclaimed, rubbing her temples.

There was silence in the room as I suspect the person on the other end responded.

"That's insane! The state gave me full custody. As far as I'm concerned, they're mine."

She was quiet a moment until she exhaled, obviously frustrated.

"Yes. I'm sorry... As you can probably understand, I'm under a lot of duress. This whole situation is utterly bogus," She paused. "Okay... Goodbye."

I skeptically knock on the door, stepping in and closing the door.

"Oh, hi Maya. How was school?" She inquired, her cheeks damp.

"What was that about? Is everything okay?" I ask, concerned.

"How much did you hear?" She sounds ashamed.

"Enough. I just don't understand." I say.

"Neither do I. That was an attorney from the Children's Advocate Office. She informed me that you two are not my legal children." She sighed.

"What?! But you filled out all that paperwork. And they approved it! We are your children!" I say.

"Not according to the law. She told me that I was under suspicion for illegally harboring two children who technically belonged to the state. It's just ridiculous!" She wiped tears from her face.

Through Innocent EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora