Hold on to Hope

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My eleventh birthday is rapidly approaching. Beth is now nine months pregnant. It's been a fast nine months. Dad hasn't beaten us since the night we came home from the Doctor's office. I'm guessing that'll end when the baby is born.

We haven't gone back to the doctor. Not for ultrasounds or anything. We don't even know what gender it is.

I was lying on my bed drawing when I heard the back door slam.

I jumped up and ran downstairs.

My father had finally snapped. Nine months without drawing blood from at least one of us had made him crazy.

"Dad?" I asked, my entire body trembling.

His head snapped in my direction, his fierce eyes never broke contact with mine.

"A-are you all right?"

Instead of answering, he scoffed at me, taking another swig of liquor.

"Get out of my way." He spat, pushing past me.

I watched as he backed out of the driveway in his red Toyota.

"What was that about?" Beth struggled to walk down the stairs.

"I don't know. Dad's in a bad mood." I said, running my hands through my hair.

Beth chuckled, sitting down in the chair next to me.

"Oh god," I whispered. "He's gonna kill me."

Beth looked at me and grabbed my hand. "No. He's not going to kill you. Why would you say that?"

"He's craving pain, and he's not giving it. When that baby pops out, it'll be all over for me." I said, feeling light-headed.

Beth pulled me into a firm embrace, caressing my hair.

I sat there in her arms, silently sobbing into her shoulder.


Father came back in the middle of the night, waking me out of bed, he dragged me into the cellar.

I thought for sure he'd kill me.

Instead, he left, and locked the door behind him.

I looked to my side and saw Beth, lying on the floor. Her groans were loud and consistent.

"Beth, what's wrong?!" I rushed to her side, putting her head on my lap.

"The baby! I-it's coming!" She screamed, grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

My heart stopped. I didn't know how to deliver a baby.

"I need like a blanket or something!" I said, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Find something s-sharp and cut a piece of my night gown." Beth screeched.

There was an old mirror in the corner of the cellar.

I ran to it and kicked it, making the glass shatter. I grabbed a long, sharp piece and cut her flimsy dress.

"Hang in there. It's going to be fine. Just breath." I said, holding her hand.

She'd breath in and out between cries of pain.

"You're doing well. Everything's going to be okay." I said as I got the cloth ready. "Now push! Push, Beth! You can do it! PUSH."

She let out a cry of anguish and pushed as hard as she could.

"I can see the head! You're doing great! Keep pushing!" I said, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

A little while later, I had successfully delivered a baby.

I cut the umbilical cord with the shard of glass and wrapped her up in the nightgown.

Beth lifted her head and stared at the baby with a sense of joy.

"It's a girl," I said. "A beautiful little girl."

Beth smiled of relief and held the baby. "Her name is... Hope."

As she clutched the baby in her arms, her blood pressure suddenly was doubled and she died on the spot.

As I held Hope in my arms, I sang to her, reassuring her that everything would be alright.


Hey guys! Hope is born! Sorry, but Beth is indeed dead... I hope you all enjoyed! Keep reading! More to come!!

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