4. Did I Make It?

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It was the early hours of the morning when you first received that phone call. Yes, it did disturb your slumber and you were hoping to sleep in for today but as soon as you heard the news, you instantly woke up and felt alive.

"I made it? I'm in? For real?!" You squealed in excitement.

"Haha, of course," said the familiar voice.

"When do I start?" You asked, clearing your throat and trying to hide your eagerness.

"You will be able to start tonight at midnight if that is fine with you. I just need you to come down to the pizzeria and grab your uniform if you can."

"Yeah, I'll be able to do that."

"Good. I shall be waiting at the doors. Please do not take too long, it is rather chilly outside today."

"No need to worry, I will not take too long." You smiled and hung up the phone.


Quickly getting ready but also wanting to make yourself atleast presentable in a way, you wore a casual-looking shirt and pants, throwing on a thick and fuzzy hoodie to keep yourself warm. You eagerly speed-walked to the pizzeria and in no more than 10 minutes, you arrived at the establishment. In the distance, you could see the familiar figure of William standing in the doorway. You trodded over to him.

"Hey William- Mr Afton." You forced a smile on your face, trying to ignore that you messed up.

"Hello L/N. Please, come in, I will give you your uniform in a moment." William held open the door for you.

You walked through, thanking him. William then followed closely behind for a few moments before quickly passing you and taking the lead; guiding you towards his office.

William walked over to a box in the corner of his office and shoved a few things out of the way to put it down on his desk. He started searching the box. "So, what size are you?"

You hesitantly said your size and William took out some uniform in your size.

"Here you go." William said, handing it to you

"Thanks." You said as you took the uniform from him. You looked at it for a few moments.

"Oh, I forgot to mention, I will be helping you with your shift for the first night. You will need it." William spoke as he closed up the box and stuffed it back into the corner of the room.

"Oh, alright then." You thought for a moment, why would you need help? It can't be that hard of a job, right? Eh, whatever, but you knew you definitely would not complain about it to your boss. "Well, I better get going now. I'll be back here soon." You smiled.

William just nodded slowly and returned to his desk and computer, sitting down in the office chair and clicking away at some stuff that you have no idea what they are. You shrugged and walked out of the pizzeria, heading back home to just relax and also prepare yourself for the night shift that was following up.

Little did you know what exactly you were getting yourself in..

529 Word Count
First Published - 25/03/22

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now