20. Nightmares and Accidents

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You stared at the Dining Area and beyond.. The sight was unsettling. You noticed how you seemed to be on the stage and how you had taken Freddy's place? That couldn't be possible.

Stiffly, your head slowly turned to the right. It was a struggle and with each jerky movement, there was a whirr and a hiss.

Finally, you had managed to see Bonnie. He stared at the empty tables and Dining Area, not moving an inch. He looked horrifying in the dark. His teeth looked.. Sharper. There seemed to be small patches and speckles of mold on the side of his ear, and his jaw looked like it had slightly twisted and become loose.

After cautiously evaluating what you had to guess was Bonnie, you creakily turned your head to the left; Chica appearing in your line of sight. Her beak was wide open, wires twisted on both corners of her mouth, almost as if someone tried to brutally force her beak open and did abit too much damage. Her unusually pink eyes glowed brightly as she also stared into the abyssal room infront of her, just like Bonnie.

Suddenly, your head jerked forward to stare at what was infront of you, almost simultaneously creating an unnerving tumultuous as faint outlines of hands suddenly reached towards you. As they were about to claw at you, you suddenly fell into blackness, causing an uproar screaming being directed you; quickly followed by a painful beeping that countered the screams.

You jolted awake, shakily sitting up rather quickly. Your heart was pounding against your chest. What the fuck was that? Beeping quickly overrided your thoughts, causing you to groan as it engraved itself into your mind.

You turned the alarm off and looked at the time, 5am. You didn't even recall there ever being an alarm clock in the room, but maybe you just didn't notice it.

Sighing, you got up from your bed and cautiously headed the bathroom, still abit wary of the nightmare. You quickly showered and got into your work uniform before going to the kitchen and making yourself some toast.

Whilst you were sat on the couch in the living room and reading a book, William finally walked downstairs, dressed in a purple button-up shirt, black waist coat over the top, black dress pants and a pair of polished black shoes. It was abit different than his regular uniform but it was similar in some ways none-the-less."Up early hm?" William asked, quickly fixing the cuffs of his long sleeved shirt.

"Blame that alarm clock that I only just realised was there." You grumbled with a raspy voice.

William shrugged and walked off, leaving you alone for awhile as he made himself a simple breakfast.

Putting the book down, you clasped your hands together and let your thoughts wash over you. What was that nightmare about? Why did Bonnie and Chica look like that? They never have looked like that and you doubted they ever would.. Your brows furrowed, trying to think deeper as if there was a symbolic meaning to it. Why did those ghastly hands suddenly try to grab you?.. No. It was just.. Paranormal? A hallucination at the best? No, nightmares. Just nightmares.. Nightmares can not hurt you, right? Your fingers intertwined with eachother, mindlessly digging your sharp nails into your knuckles and leaving a mark. Everything is just so.. Tense. When would you ever have a day where you could genuinely relax? You blinked back whatever tears your could feel beginning to form in the bottoms of your eyes. This was not worth crying about. Be strong Y/N, you are a man, a strong and brave man.

Just then, William walked back to the settee with a piece of toast in his hand, looking down at you.

"You alright there Y/N? Something on your mind?" William asked curiously before popping the toast in his mouth.

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now