FILLER. He's... BACK!!!

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     Over the past year, you slowly grew more accustomed to living with your employer; even if at first it had been ultimately dreaded and there was very little to enjoy. Yet, here you were, still living with the man who paid your wage, ensured you had a house to live in, and most of all, it the man who stole you away from life as you used to know it.

     ".. Wake up, you can't just sleep in all day. If I'm heading off to work, then so are you.. Don't worry about the kids either. I've got them a babysitter for the time being." Spoke the familiar accented voice of the serial killer.

     His voice had disturbed your slumber, and you were barely managing to open your eyes when you heard the door of your small bedroom shut.

     Forcing yourself to get onto your feet, you wandered drowsily to your wardrobe and searched through it for your uniform. It was creased in all of the wrong areas due to your lack of experience with an iron, but you wouldn't look near enough as scruffy as half of the low-life employees that worked there. A majority were barely even in their mid twenties, and so they could care less about their appearance in some cheap eyesore of a uniform.
     "Come on.. You can do this." You exclaimed quietly to yourself as you rubbed your eyes, trying to get rid of the evidence of fatigue that still trued to conquer you. "It's not like this is new. We've been doing this for a long while now.."

     Stuffing your hands into your pockets, you walked down the stairs. It appeared to be that the children were asleep due to the fact that the house wasn't full of the usual screams and shouts from them. It was a relief just to have peaceful quietness for once again, even if it was for a short period, as you only went from one building full of kids to another.

     "Ah, you actually got up this time?" William sneered, standing in the doorway of the kitchen with a dry piece of toast in his hand. "I made you some toast. It's on the side." He shrugged as he strode past you to go collect any items needed for his work day today.

     You watched for a moment as William walked away. You don't know why, but every day with him, you found yourself finding him more appealing even despite the horrid tragedies he forced you to experience and witness in the past. "..Thank you." You muttered under your breath before simply going into the kitchen to eat the half-assed attempt at a breakfast.

     It wasn't long before the both of you were in the car, and William was driving the both of you to work. The silence was long and heavy, but he was the first to break it. "I've booked us in at nice restaurant. It'll be just the two of us.. Yeah?" He glanced over at you, but his eyes quickly returned to the road again.

     "Why, is it a date or something?" You cracked, deciding to make some light humour of it. Being at a nice restaurant with just the two of you didn't sound all too bad.. As long as it wasn't too fancy or expensive, then it would be fine. You weren't the most modest of people, after all.

     "Perhaps.." William trailed off for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek before the car rolled to a halt at a red light. He then looked over at you again, seemingly not able to keep his eyes off of you. "Why, what if it was? How would you feel about that?" He asked, the corners of his lips curving upwards in a smug smile.

     You rolled your eyes at him, but you couldn't argue. You wouldn't mind a date.

     There was a loud honk that came from behind the car. William seemed confused for a moment before quickly realising the light had turned green, and so he quickly sped the car off again. "..Impatient bastards. See how they like it if I honk back.." He growled under his breath. Road rage.

     You weren't surprised William would have road rage. If anything, you liked it. It only added more to his personality, and you were always figuring out new things about him pretty much every day. There was always a lot to learn about William Afton.

     ‼️ Oh my god, it has been ages since I've updated this 😭 How is everyone feeling!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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