21. Blood, but in a Good Way, maybe

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You and William arrived back at the house quicker than you had expected. William grabbed you firmly by the wrist and pulled you to the kitchen, ignoring the kids who were sat playing Monopoly on the dining table.

"What are you going to do?" You asked shakily.

"Hopefully get that thing off. The only solution is to break it, which wouldn't have been ideal." William sat you down on the kitchen countertop and he quickly opened a cupboard, grabbing a few variations of knives. Some small, some large. That set panic in you.

"Knives!? Will that work- What if you cut me!"

"Would you rather be stuck with those mechanisms fused with you or what?" William narrowed his eyes, then picking up one of the smaller knives and looking at it.

"No.." You murmured.

"Then let me do this." William approached you, grabbing your arm firmly and keeping it still. "And don't move. If you stay still then this will be alot easier."

You nodded slightly. "Okay.."

William quickly ripped off the bandages, not exactly caring about if the bloodied cuts had dried or not. He then carefully angled the knife to the point where it was resting between the metals and your skin. Suddenly, he slice it upwards, creating a few indents and etches into the underside of the springlocks. You hissed as the cold knife returned to its origin and engraved part of itself into your already cut skin. William sliced it upwards again, making further progress even though by very little.

"Are you sure it is working?" You asked reluctantly.

"Well if I can make the bloody things weaker then I'll be getting somewhere." William thrusted the knife upwards again before retreating it and putting it back on the counter. Really, it looked more like the knife had been damaged rather than the actual metal framework.

William grabbed either side of the metal and pulled it harshly, attempting to split the two sides.

"Isn't there like- Bolts or screws that you could unscrew to like- Open it?"

William paused, glaring up at you. "If that was an option then I would have done that.. But I also doubt you would have let me get so close to you before as you were absolutely terrified of me."

All you did was wince and nod meekly- I mean, he wasn't wrong. You were truly terrified for you life because of him, and you still were. The only reason you let him so close is because you feared he would try and do something bad if you didn't.

"Shit.." William mumbled under his breath, just barely audible.

"What?- What is it?" You gulped, fearing the worst.

"It isn't coming off."

"Just keep trying then?"

"No, I mean that it genuinely isn't. I'd have to cut quite the bit of skin that has heard itself over some of the metal to get it off.. And I doubt you want me to to that."

"..Oh.." Your body slumped slightly, visually showing disapproval. "..I mean- Perferably not.. But if you must.." You trailed off.

William raised a brow. "You sure?" He spoke as though he genuinely cared, and maybe he did. It was hard to tell with William, really.

"Yeah- I don't want to have to keep wearing that thing for like.. Forever."

William nodded slightly. "Alright.. But try and keep quiet.. We don't exactly want to alert the kids, eh?"

"Okay" You took a deep breath, trying to ready yourself for the pain that was bound to come.

William grabbed a smaller and more intricate knife, resting it against part of your skin. He looked at you for any sign that you were ready. You gave him a slight smile and nodded sheepishly.

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now