6. The Second Night - The Figure

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You arrived back at the pizzeria in your uniform, quickly walking in long strides towards the security guard office. Now that you knew what you were doing, you did not need any help, atleast that is what you thought anyway.

A few minutes after your arrival and settling in, the office phone rung loudly, vibrating quite alot. You grabbed the phone and picked it up, accepting the call.


It felt like you were in that call for ages. Scott just ranted about stuff and half the time it was not even related to the job. You even considered just hanging up but you decided it would be rude to do that so eventually you just sat through it all.

Scott continued ranting on. "And the animatronics do sometimes get abit QuIrKy at night!"

You giggled to yourself quietly at that but Scott must have somehow heard you. Curse you phone for picking up even the slightest audio.

"Hey- What's so funny?" Scott asked, his voice suddenly darkening.

"Oh-" You stammered, abit surprised by his sudden change of voice. "It was nothing really-" You said, trying to contain another giggle. For some reason it was kind of amusing at how quickly Scott had changed moods "It was just the way you said that."

"Heh, okay then. Well, I have to be going now. Enjoy your shift!"

"Okay then, bye phone guy."

You could hear Scott chuckle softly at the nickname as he hung up.

You sighed abit in relief and put down the phone. "Thank god for that.." You muttered to yourself. Atleast now you didn't have to listen to someone rant on about stuff you probably do not even understand for hours on end.

You checked the cameras and noticed that Bonnie was gone, Chica too.. That's a new sight.. You quickly searched the other cameras, looking for Bonnie and Chica. Chica was in the large room labelled as the Dining Area. She was staring right into the cameras with wide eyes as if she acknowledged you watching her. It looked pretty freaky if you tell me.

You then checked the camera labelled as Parts and Services. You saw Bonnie there, his face right up to and infront of the camera. You jumped slightly in surprise, but then you noticed something that drew all of your attention. What was that in the corner? You brought the tablet closer to your face and stared at the corner, but it didn't help much that the cameras were rather shit quality. "What is that?.." You murmured to yourself.

"What is what?" Someone leaned in abit too closely behind you, breathing warmly down your neck.

You yelped abit in surprise and almost jumped out of your seat. You quickly swivelled around to see who it was.

The person took a step or two back, presumingly wanting to avoid from potentially getting hit as you quickly swivelled in the seat.

"Oh, it's you." You said as you looked up at the man. You sank back into the office chair

"Yes.. It's me." William chuckled with a wide grin that had quickly spread across his face in an instant.

You stared up at him with a mixture of emotions; surprise, fear, confusion. You then decided you would ask him a question. "How did you get past the animatronics? Wouldn't they have went after you?"

"I have my ways." William now smiled an unsettling and crooked smile. "Now what exactly did you see?" William said as he held out his hand, gesturing that you give the tablet to him.

"I have no idea, but I feel like we should check it out after the shift." You said as you handed the tablet to him, pointing at the specific corner where you saw the thing.

William stared for a moment, his eyes widening. You tried to read his expression but failed. "Oh.. I doubt it is anything to worry about."

"But maybe we should still check it out anyway? It wasn't there on the first night and it looks like it doesn't belong there, we really should-"

"Trust me." William placed a hand on your shoulder, leaning closer to your face, cutting you off from what else you were about to say. "If I say it is something you should not worry about, then you should not worry about it. Understood?"

You quickly nodded and William withdrew his hand, handing you back the tablet from his other hand and standing back up straight. You just stared up at him.

William noticed this and stared back at you with his piercing mercury eyes. "What are you staring at?" He said as his lips curved into a smirk.

"Nothing-" You quickly responded and swivelled your seat to face back at the desk. William dragged a seat from the other side of the room and brought it to the desk, abit close to you. "Why are you here anyway? I thought I would be alone for this night."

"Oh, are you not happy to see me?" William chuckled but you just frowned back at him, not necessarily in the mood for his jokes. "Well, I am here because I just wanted to see how you would fare on your first night alone. You're doing well so far."

"Well, thanks.. I suppose?" You replied and checked the cameras. "Shit-" You hastily got up, kicking the chair backwards, and shut the door on the right. You turned on the light and saw Chica pressed up against the window, staring at you with even wider eyes than before- Wait, but it doesn't look like she is staring at you. Is she staring at William? "..Weird.." You muttered to yourself.

"What is weird?"

"Nothing" You quickly replied, glancing over at William. You decided you may aswell check for where Bonnie was whilst you were waiting for Chica to give up and leave. It felt like forever but eventually she did leave, and so you opened the door and checked the corridor before turning off the flickering light. You walked back to your seat and sat back down.

You continued work as usual whilst William watched you intently. Jeez, his constant gazing at you was starting to freak you out and made you feel uncomfortable. Why was he just staring? Couldn't he atleast speak or start up a conversation so it wouldn't be as awkward.

"Afton?" You looked at him.

"What?" William grunted, sounding rather annoyed.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"I'm just evaluating you." William said with a blank expression, clasping his hands together and resting his elbows on the desk, all the while still staring intensively at you.

"Well.. Its kind of weird- And abit freaky so if you could maybe stop..?" You trailed off, unsure of if you should say anything else. If you said too much then God knows what the fuck William might do. He is your boss after all and you do not want to potentially get fired.

"What, are you scared of me?" William tilted his head slightly, a brow raising.

"No, I have no reason to."

"Well soon you will.." William muttered under his breath, looking away for a few seconds before once more locking eyes with you.

You stared at him. Did he just say what you thought be said or was you just imagining it? You wanted to just believe that you were just overthinking but you knew very well that you weren't.

You remembered how William acted when you asked him about the shadowed figure that could be seen on the Parts and Service camera.. That was unusual for sure now that you had thought about it again now..

As much as you didn't want to do this and potentially lose your job, you knew you should check it out whether William wanted you to or not...

1303 Word Count
First Published - 01/04/22

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now