10. That was an Order, Not a Choice

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Awakening from your deep slumber, you found yourself in a dark room, the window open slightly; a cold breeze travelling throughout the entire room, causing you to snap into full consciousness. The coldness was odd and uncomfortable, but it also made you alert, which was the exact opposite of what happened when you last had woken.

You slowly sat up, you were on a bed of some sort. Looking around, you noticed how notably clean yet empty the room was. It had the basic requirements yet had quite abit of empty space. Maybe it was a guest room, most likely being unoccupied and inhabited for quite some time now considering how untouched it looked.

It took a moment but then you remembered. "...Shit." You muttered under your breath. Now that you were alert and fully awake, you remembered everything that happened now.. This was William's home, you recalled that from when you were somewhat in a daze; this meant that the person who almost got you killed had brought you back to his own house. He's the reason you're hurt.

"I need to get out of here." You mumbled to yourself, looking at the window. You got up off the bed and slowly walked up to it, still wary of your bandaged leg that ached when you put too much weight on it.

You looked outside of the window and it seemed to be dark out, most likely around midnight. Pushing the window, you tried to budge it further open but couldn't. Maybe the window was just built to not open that far enough.

Sighing in defeat, you limped up to the door. Hesitantly wrapping a hand around the door handle, you slowly twisted it and opened the door, the sound of the rusted hinges making a rather unusual creaking sound.

You jumped slightly, your heart skipping a beat. You paused midway through opening the door, the silence quickly returning, the uneasy feeling rushing in alot quicker too.

After you deemed that the coast was clear, you continued on and steadily walked out of the room. You were greeted by a corridor with a few other doors and a stairway at the end. You lightly stalked towards the stairway and stepped down the stairs which occasionally creaked as you shifted your weight each time.

Looking around, you noticed the front door instantly. Praying that it wasn't locked, you hastily walked over to it. You tried to twist the door handle but couldn't. It was locked.

"Damnit." You hissed, trying again, just praying it was just jammed even though you knew damn well that it was locked, you just didn't want to accept defeat so soon.

"Going somewhere?" Said that same voice with that same British accent. Along with the voice came the light klink of metal colliding as the lights above suddenly lit up almost on-beat.

You turned around and saw William holding some keys, the polished metal shining and glimmering in the light. It was rather a sight, and abit unusual since you never thought anyone would polish their keys out of all the things in the world.

"Uhh.. Well I kind of hoped so.." You admitted. "You see.. I need to get back home."

William narrowed his eyes darkly at you and took a small step forward. "Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?" You said, trying to hide that small bit of fear and uneasiness that was once again creeping up on you.

"You're going to be staying with me for awhile."

"I'm not staying with you!"

"Well you are staying whether you like it or not.. I need take care of you whilst you recover and another reason that I am sure you are aware of by now."

You nodded slowly, instantly recalling those horrible moments. They flashed in your mind, trying to torment you, but you quickly snapped out of it.

You looked down at your arm that seemed to be littered with biomechanics and gears, giving yourself an excuse to not have to look at William. That was when you realised you still hadn't asked him the question you were going to ask ages ago.

"Why is my arm covered in this.. Stuff...?"

"..Part of the endoskeleton sort of fused abit with your skin. It was a rather unusual reaction for sure, however I'm working on a way to remove it without having to get your arm amputated. For now you'll have to just live with it though."

"Wonderful.." You mumbled sarcastically.

"Now.. About work.. You're going on dayshift, alright? I can't have you going out for your nightshift anymore because I can't be there all of the time. I don't want you getting any ideas if you know what I mean." William narrowed his eyes at you.

"Look- William- Afton, whatever you want to be called- Can I just go back home. I promise I won't tell anyone what happened."

"But how can I trust you? How do I know that you will keep to your word?" William approached you, lightly grabbing you by the chin and tilting your face upwards abit to look up at him.

"...Well, sometimes you have to take the risks?" You wasn't sure what else to say.

"Good try, but I'm not going to let you go so easily.. Now listen here, you're going to stay with me for the time being."

You raised an eyebrow curiously. "And if I don't?"

The grip on your chin tightened as William leaned in closely to your face. "Did I ever say that you had a choice?" He hissed, the light seeming to dim abit almost as if it was also put off by his words.

"I still won't stay with you, you're a madman. I told you, if you let me go then I won't tell anyone. I'm a man of my word." You growled back, trying to struggle away from him.

William's nails dug into your chin unexpectedly, causing you to whine abit in surprise. "I assure you.. You won't like the consequences.. Now you're going to stay with me whether you like it or not." And then he reached into his pocket, slowly taking out some metal object. The metal glinted in the light, almost as if it was feeding off of it.

You quickly realised what it was and desperately struggled now, trying to get away. You didn't want to know what he'd do with that thing.

"Oh stop struggling, I won't hurt you." He smiled as his grip loosened abit, allowing you to escape for a moment; but not for long as you were swiftly pinned against the door.

You squeaked in surprise. "Stop- Get away!" You tried to shove him off but quickly surrendered as you were threatened with an uncomfortable coldness at your neck.. A sharp metal blade tenderly prying at the vulnerable skin of your throat. The tip slowly dug into the skin at your throat, but by very little.

You remained silent and still, one wrong move and William could easily have that knife dug in deeper.. And potentially fatally.

"So.. Will you still go against me?" The knife retreated slightly, allowing you to feel comfortable to speak once more.

"Fine, fine! I'll stay with you!" You quickly sputtered out, not wanting this situation to potentially escalate any further.

"Hm.. Just as I thought.." William smiled darkly and the knife returned back into his pocket. "Now.. Please do return to that room I put you in and rest. We have to wake up early tomorrow." And with that, William left you alone, returning to whatever he might have been doing earlier on.

It wasn't long after that when you returned back to the guest room and sat on the edge of the bed, feeling at the skin of your throat that was threatened by the blade. It had been cut slightly, definitely leaving a small mark but not much. You presumed it would heal over easily..

How much more worse can this get?..

1330 Word Count
First Published - 12/04/22

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now