22. A More Relaxed Day.. Maybe..?

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Unfortunately, despite the traumatic injuries you recieved the day prior, you kind of had to still go to work.

You were pretty pissed off by this but there was not much that could have been done about it, however at the very least you were allowed to stay in William's office all-day if you really wanted to.. To be fair you did not exactly want to spend more time than needed with William, but you supposed it was better than working your shift with an almost non-functional arm for the time being.

William peered up from his reports on his desk and looked at you. You were sat on the couch, and unshockingly it was a purple couch, however the colour had partially faded overtime. "Hm.. You look abit moody, what's up now?"

All you did was shrug in response. William sighed deeply, his gaze wandering around the room for a few moments. "Hm.. Well how about you read a book or some newspapers to pass by some time?" He stood up from his desk and walked across the room, taking out a few newspapers and books and putting them on the armrest of the couch beside you. He smiled down at you, but you didn't return it back and just frowned. He just shook his head slightly and returned back to his desk to continue with his reports.

After awhile, you could no longer stand just sitting there and daydreaming. Your gaze wandered across the room before landing on the small pile of books and newspapers. You eyed them for abit, the books not particularly having much interest for you considering the books were the exact opposite of what you would read. Instead, you grabbed one of the newspapers with your unusable hand.

You propped the newspaper on your knees and steadily skimmed the newspaper for anything useful. Unfortunately, nothing intrigued you. The newspapers seemed to be abit outdated and old, having been published a few months ago anyway.

Quickly flicking through the pages in a desperate attempt, you tried to see if there was anything interesting worth finding out about in the newspapers, but there wasn't.

You read abit about some random shark attack in the country, and then a woman complaining about taxes, and much more uninteresting events and facts really. You had read some of the newspapers several times at this rate before giving up on distracting youraelf. You ripped off a page from one of the newspapers and scrunched it up in a ball before throwing it at the wall near the bin. It bounced off the wall and missed the bin just by a few cms which only infuriated you more than you should have been.

Obviously, William noticed this display of slight frustration. "Something wrong?"

"No, no. Everything is fine." You smiled at William, though the way your eyebrows were slightly arched and your face was somewhat scrunched up in an angry-ish way was saying otherwise.

William nodded slowly, not exactly convinced. "You sure?"

"Yes, now stop pressing about it." You huffed, suddenly displaying quite a moody attotude. You grabbed one of the books and quickly flicking through the pages in hopes you could avoid further conversation and distract your mind.

William just deeply sighed and continued to get on with his work, leaving you be to let your mind wander.


You had been sitting there for what felt like hours now, just doing nothing but spacing out and thinking of.. Whatever really. Whatever came to mind first. You looked over at William who you hadn't even realised had fallen asleep at his desk.

What a professional guy.

Standing up from the couch, you slowly creeped towards William's desk. It wasn't as if you wanted to intrude on what work William had been doing, you were just bored out of your mind and obliviously thought why not?

You looked at the reports on his desk that had been mostly filled and others now completed, but you honestly couldn't bother reading any of it at all.

Noticing a pen and a blank sheet of paper nearby, you took that and crouched down so you were more level with the desk. You doodled boredly on the paper, drawing a range of cute and horrific little creatures, or things anyway.

Surprisingly enough, it took up quite abit of time and you had filled up quite abit of the page with those doodles. William was beginning to wake up however, and he seemed to notice you. He looked at the doodles, intruiged for a moment. "Cool." He said, though in a bored tone. He reached out towards you and tapped you on the shoulder just to make you aware that he was, indeed, alive again (Unfortunately 😔). You hadn't even realised he had woke up and so you jumped slightly, dropping the pen. It fell onto the desk but then rolled off onto the floor before you could catch it.

"For godsake." You muttered. William just let out a low chuckle.

"Looks like you have to pick it up now, hm?"

"Yeah yeah I know." You groaned in annoyance and crouched down further, grabbing the pen and then somewhat standing back up and placing the pen back onto the desk.

Before you knew it, hands wrapped around your waist as soon as you stood up and pulled you back down, into William's lap. You wriggled slightly, surprised by what just happened. William responded with a dark chuckle, his hands sliding underneath your shirt and slowly caressing your sides.

"Mmm, how about we have a little bit of fun whilst we have alot of time to spare, shall we?"


A/N Sorry for not posting for a lil while, I just can't think of any ideas for this sob. Suggestions would be appreciated.

' 𝙱𝚁𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙴𝙳 𝙱𝚈 𝙼𝙸𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚈 ' | A William Afton x Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now