⚾Assignment 3

74 6 10

Constructive criticism is a helpful way of giving feedback that provides specific, actionable suggestions. Rather than providing general advice, constructive criticism gives specific recommendations on how to make positive improvements. Constructive criticism is clear, to the point, and easy to put into action. Some might want more general things, like is it interesting and others, much more detailed IF the reader is so inclined.

@BlameSaiki - Would like to know if the story is enjoyable and if the reader would like to go deeper. If not, what turns people away? What is the story missing?

@RogueWriter55 - Would like to know if the story is interesting, clear, concise. PLEASE, point out any typos or parts that sound like an IKEA manual written in Swedish. (Translation: it's not clear)

@DelaneyBrenna - Would like her partner to keep an eye out for repetition with information/descriptors.

@KitCatK8 - Requests any and all feedback, no need to pull punches. Is the writing enjoyable, clear, and concise? Are they grammatical errors or typos? Does the story cause any type of emotional reaction? Any suggestions on wording, grammar, spelling are always welcome. The main question is: Does the story hold your interest? Why or why not? What are your thoughts/theories/feelings about the main character? Is he relatable? Is he believable? Opinions are welcome on what would make the story better.

@PVChan01- Wants gentle, kind, feedback on areas that can be improved upon. Just a general idea of how it reads, building, is the plot interesting, characters engaging and does it make you want to read more.

@juliecotewriter - Would love any kind of feedback/editing with an eye toward feedback on the worldbuilding. Mainly things in the genre of, does it make sense and feel realistic, or are there places that should be explained more, or things that seem to contradict.


(I use an online six-sided cube for anyone who wonders)

📕 Remember to comment 'Good book', or 'done', or 'salamander', etc. by your group when done (KitCatK8... 😆)

📙Minimum is two chapters, four inline comments, and a few lines at the end of the second chapter on what you thought, impressions, etc.

BlameSaiki [Sins of a Blood Knight] - RogueWriter55 [The Clearing 2]

juliecotewriter [Wanderlust] - PVChan01 [The Wild Card's Queen]

DelaneyBrenna [The Golden Arrow] - KitCatK8 [Fallen's First - google doc]

Group question: If we have a possible seventh, does anyone knows of an eighth to keep the numbers even? I wanted to close a group after eight or ten.

I figured if we got an influx of people, we start a second group with the new people, that way the middle and ends of books get read instead of just the beginnings. Thoughts?

Any problems, please let us know! And a special thank you to Saiki and KitCatk8 for the new fur babies site!

Hugs to anyone who posted pics or dropped in for conversation, you're appreciated! 

Sugarbabes Round Robin Reading Group [Closed Group]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon